[ATTW-L] Course Learning Objectives for Introductory tech comm courses

Ronda Wery wery at klamathcc.edu
Thu Apr 2 22:34:56 UTC 2020

Here are our outcomes:

  *   Create technical documents to solve problems.
  *   Analyze the rhetorical situation (audience, purpose, and context) of technical communication.
  *   Create technical documents that are convincing, effective, ethical, and usable.
  *   Create technical communication projects in collaboration with classmates.
  *   Incorporate and responsibly credit sources according to the conventions APA.
  *   Use syntax and mechanics according to the accepted standards of formal written English.

From: ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org> On Behalf Of Stuart Selber
Sent: Thursday, April 2, 2020 3:13 PM
To: Lisa Melonçon <meloncon.research at gmail.com>
Cc: ATTW List serv <attw-l at attw.org>
Subject: Re: [ATTW-L] Course Learning Objectives for Introductory tech comm courses

[EXTERNAL SOURCE] Stop, Think, Verify.
From the service course at Penn State. Yes, there are 15! Buckle up haha. Stuart

Students in the course can expect to:

  *   Discover and understand the discourse features that distinguish their disciplinary and institutional communities from others.
  *   Discover and specify the purposes of their writing.
  *   Develop a range of writing processes appropriate to various writing tasks.
  *   Identify their readers and describe the characteristics of their readers in a way that forms a sound basis for deciding how to write to them.
  *   Invent the contents of their communications through research and reflection.
  *   Arrange material to raise and satisfy readers’ expectations, using both conventional and rhetorical patterns of organization.
  *   Reveal the organization of their communications by using forecasting and transitional statements, headings, and effective page and document design.
  *   Observe appropriate generic conventions and formats for technical documents.
  *   Design and use tables, graphs, and technical illustrations.
  *   Compose effective sentences.
  *   Evaluate their documents to be sure that the documents fulfill their purpose and to ensure that they can be revised if necessary.
  *   Collaborate effectively with their peers in a community of writers who provide feedback on each others’ work and occasionally write together.
  *   Write several specific kinds of documents that recur in technical, scientific, and other communities.
  *   Employ computer technology effectively in the solution of communication problems.
  *   Communicate in an ethically responsible manner.

On Apr 2, 2020, at 5:59 PM, Lisa Melonçon <meloncon.research at gmail.com<mailto:meloncon.research at gmail.com>> wrote:

Hey Mark -

I'll send you some field-wide data off list on this very thing....but the introductory course (both as seen in the "service course" and in the introductory course to a degree program) align pretty darn closely with field-wide program outcomes as reported here: https://cptsc.org/committees/assessment/<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2fcptsc.org%2fcommittees%2fassessment%2f&c=E,1,Yw2_DnwiPN5uffAY4Bb7W2BkXEGu5wSBQ0MR1PwKQ6Cek9L73sX78A-Vhw-grSonuz9ubowovuipyxrkAd34SdvFIl6nLmf0GVmAFgWX4Xn0j8s,&typo=1>


Lisa Melonçon, PhD
Co-Editor, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (http://journals.upress.ufl.edu/rhm<https://linkprotect.cudasvc.com/url?a=https%3a%2f%2furldefense.proofpoint.com%2fv2%2furl%3fu%3dhttp-3A__journals.upress.ufl.edu_rhm%26d%3dDwMFaQ%26c%3dl45AxH-kUV29SRQusp9vYR0n1GycN4_2jInuKy6zbqQ%26r%3dpixVoNlEUATCd42x07Q5ArPXRPzmxr7XUhwZ3R0VPL8%26m%3dShj3vbvM5sT5RXbA2Q4DPfyv9-MYu0r9-86YpB-c3Jo%26s%3dkHZQlabmFC-di_7ldUObKDW_e4L69mcKBtbd9nAiW_U%26e%3d&c=E,1,ejtGoZFGKKzRyy1gubGz8gIxBx7UC4kvsuikrciKNNEPexnvhOnxCYLsXwLoTObITKlfrH_0Nb40n67jYWPflSTCdzz75s-SqlSfPpQ1YXR-&typo=1>)
Series Editor: Foundations and Innovations in Technical and Professional Communication (https://wac.colostate.edu/books/tpc/)
Professor, Technical & Professional Communication
Department of English
University of South Florida
4202 Fowler Avenue, CPR 311
Tampa, FL 33620-5550
Phone: 803-370-0008
Email: Meloncon dot research [at] gmail dot com OR meloncon [at ]usf dot edu
Twitter: @lmeloncon
Pronouns: she/her/they

On Thu, Apr 2, 2020 at 5:52 PM Mark Crane <craniac at gmail.com<mailto:craniac at gmail.com>> wrote:
I have two weeks to fine tune the learning outcomes for our introductory tech comm course.  I would love to see your outcomes, if you have access to them.  I realize these are chaotic and busy times, thank you.
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Lisa Melonçon, PhD
Co-Editor, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (http://journals.upress.ufl.edu/rhm)
Book Series Editor, Foundations and Innovations in TPC (https://wac.colostate.edu/books/tpc/)
Professor, Technical Communication, Department of English
University of South Florida
4202 Fowler Avenue, CPR 311
Tampa, FL 33620-5550
Phone: 803-370-0008
Email: meloncon.research at gmail.com<mailto:meloncon.research at gmail.com> or meloncon at usf.edu<mailto:meloncon at usf.edu>
Pronouns: she/her/hers

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