[ATTW-L] Invitation to Participate in a Survey on Service Learning in Technical and Professional Communication Through Social Justice and Intercultural Frameworks

Sweta Baniya baniya.sweta at gmail.com
Wed Dec 2 13:17:22 UTC 2020

Hello Everyone!

We hope this email finds you well. (*Apologies for cross-posting*)

We invite you to participate in an IRB-approved study (Protocol #
20-700), *Service
Learning in Technical and Professional Communication Through Social Justice
and Intercultural Frameworks*. Specifically, we are interested in learning
how technical and professional communicators implement social justice and
intercultural communication approaches in their service-learning pedagogy.

This research is conducted by Virginia Tech, University of Washington, and
the University of Delaware, and supported by a Council for Programs in
Technical and Scientific Communication grant.

The survey includes 34 questions and should take approximately 15–20
minutes to complete. Upon completion of the survey, you will be able to
receive a $5 gift card.

To proceed, please click on this survey link:

We are accepting responses until Friday, January 22, 2021.

Thank you for your consideration! Please feel free to contact any one of
us, Dr. Sweta Baniya (baniya at vt.edu), Dr. Jennifer Sano-Franchini (
sanojenn at vt.edu), Dr. Jessica Edwards (edwardsj at udel.edu) and Dr. Josephine
Walwema ( jwalwema at gmail.com) if you would like to talk about the project
or if you have any questions.

Warm Regards,
Sweta Baniya, Ph.D. (she/her/hers)
Assistant Professor of Rhetoric, Professional & Technical Writing
Department of English at Virginia Tech
181 Turner Street NW (0112), Blacksburg, VA 24061
 sbaniya.com | @Sunkesharee
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