[ATTW-L] Xchanges Undergraduate Issue 14.2 Is Live!

Brian Hendrickson bhendrickson at rwu.edu
Tue Feb 11 21:37:42 UTC 2020

Dear All,

On behalf of the editorial team at Xchanges <http://www.xchanges.org/>, I'm
delighted to announce that Undergraduate Issue 14.2 is now live!

As I mention in my editor's intro
<http://www.xchanges.org/welcome-to-issue-14-2>, this issue continues our
tradition at *Xchanges* of spotlighting the intellectual breadth and depth
of undergraduate scholarship in writing studies. What's more, the
scholarship featured in this issue is as rigorous as it is timely:

   - American Misconceptions of Syria
   <http://www.xchanges.org/american-misconceptions-of-syria> by Feras
   Aboukhater, Stony Brook University
   - Creativity and Collaboration: The Relationship between Fact and
   Fiction in Personal Writing
   <http://www.xchanges.org/creativity-and-collaboration> by Rachel Casey,
   University of Central Florida
   - A Disconnect in the Process and Understanding of Prescription
   Medications <http://www.xchanges.org/a-disconnect-in-the-process> by
   Matthew White, St. Mary's College of California
   - PragerU as Genre: How Ideologies Typify Speech
   <http://www.xchanges.org/prageru-as-genre> by Christopher Luis Shosted,
   Moravian College
   - What Bush Said: The War on Terror and the Rhetorical Situation
   <http://www.xchanges.org/what-bush-said> by Ross Fitzpatrick, University
   of Kansas

Additionally, we're delighted to publish University of New Mexico graduate
student Elizabeth Barnett's third interview in her Profiles in Digital
Scholarship and Publishing series
this one with Cheryl Ball, Director of the Digital Publishing Collaborative
at Wayne State University and editor of *Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric,
Technology, and Pedagogy.*

Please join us in congratulating our authors and the faculty mentors who
supported them. And if you are an undergraduate or graduate student working
in rhetoric, writing, tech comm, or a related discipline, please consider
submitting to Xchanges. Our submission window for our 2020-21 undergraduate
and graduate issues is open now until June 30.

Brian Hendrickson, PhD
Managing Editor, *Xchanges*
Assistant Professor
Dept of Writing Studies, Rhetoric, and Composition
Roger Williams University
bhendrickson at rwu.edu
Office Phone: (401) 254-3243
Office Location: GHH 239
Pronouns: he/him/his
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