[ATTW-L] ABC's Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award - Call for Nominations

Blackburne, Brian brianblackburne at shsu.edu
Wed May 13 19:12:34 UTC 2020

Colleagues and Friends,

I am forwarding the following call on behalf of Jim Dubinsky and the Association for Business Communication (ABC). Please share this opportunity with relevant researchers and/or faculty advisors.


Brian D. Blackburne, Ph.D.
(Pronouns: he, him, & his)

Sam Houston State University
Director | Technical Communication
Associate Professor | Department of English
Treasurer | Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
BrianBlackburne at shsu.edu

Dear ABC Members,

We invite nominations for the ABC Award for Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation on Business Communication. This Award<https://www.businesscommunication.org/page/dissertation?source=5> is conferred annually to the writer of an outstanding doctoral dissertation or thesis in the area of business communication.

The winning researcher will receive a plaque and a monetary award at the ABC annual conference. In addition, the award winner will be encouraged to submit an article based on the dissertation to one of the Association’s journals – the International Journal of Business Communication or the Business and Professional Communication Quarterly. The winner will also receive a one-year membership in ABC.

The following criteria must be met for eligibility for the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award:

  1.  Significant contribution to scholarship, research, and/or pedagogy of business communication.
  2.  Originality of thought and careful investigation.
  3.  The use of an accepted research technique for business communication research.
  4.  Successful defense of the dissertation within the two years preceding the annual convention at which the award is presented. (For example, dissertations eligible for the 2020 award are those defended successfully in 2018, 2019, or up to June 15 of 2020.)

Entries may be nominated by the candidate or by a nominator. Nominations must include:

  1.  A letter of nomination from a faculty member on the doctoral dissertation committee or from the degree granting institution showing how the publication meets the award criteria.
  2.  A complete copy of the dissertation.

Nomination should be submitted in two stages. First, submit an extended abstract of the dissertation of 2500-3000 words, summarizing the scope, significance, method, main literature review and main findings. Please email the abstract by June 12th. Nominees will then be notified to submit their dissertation on the ABC website. Dissertation submissions will be by June 19th.

Please send your extended abstract to:

Sky Marsen, Research Committee Chair
skymarsen at gmail.com<mailto:skymarsen at gmail.com>


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