[ATTW-L] Workplace Communication Skills Survey

Cosgrove, Samantha Samantha.Cosgrove at unt.edu
Tue Nov 17 18:14:47 UTC 2020

Hi all,

I am passing along this survey as I think some of you may qualify, know someone who does, or are interested in this type of research. Feel free to email me directly with any questions or comments. We are looking specifically for participants who hold industry positions. Thank you!

You are invited to take a survey and/or forward a survey on workplace communication skills. The findings will be used to help business communication faculty design classes that contain relevant course content from the perspective of employers.
Do you know someone who

  *   goes to career fairs to recruit college students and/or
  *   manages or interviews recent college graduates and makes hiring decisions?
If so, please forward the survey on to them. You can take the survey if you qualify.

Two respondents of the survey could win a $99 Amazon gift card. The drawing will be held after December 4, 2020.


Use your network (colleagues, family members, neighbors, your place of work, etc.) and forward the survey invitation to them. The choice to participate is theirs. All you have to do is forward the message. We want these professionals to represent diverse types of businesses, geographic locations, races/ethnicities, and years of management experience.
You don’t have to forward the message and you don’t have to ask anyone to participate.
The results of this study and others like it are used to make sure business and professional communication instructors teach timely and relevant information in their classes. Good research design leads to good results, and you play an important part in making sure this study gets good results. Thanks for the assistance you can offer.
The research team consists of three faculty members:

  *   Tina Coffelt is an associate professor in Communication Studies and the Department of English at Iowa State University.
  *   Samantha Cosgrove is an assistant professor in the Department of Technical Communication at the University of North Texas.
  *   Bremen Vance is an assistant professor in the School of Communication and Mass Media at Northwest Missouri State University.

Samantha Jo Cosgrove, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Technical Communication
University of North Texas
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