[ATTW-L] Dissertation research about collaboration in the technical communication classroom

Marcy Bock Eastley mbock3 at niu.edu
Thu Sep 17 20:50:57 UTC 2020

My name is Marcy Bock Eastley and I am looking for participants for a research study as part of my PhD dissertation which is focused on pedagogical approaches addressing teamwork and collaboration in technical communication. Please feel free to contact me or my advisor, Jessica Reyman, with any questions about this study.  Both of our contact information is listed below.

As we redesign our courses for remote delivery, within the field we are rethinking how teamwork and collaboration happens in virtual environments. The goal of this research is to learn more about contemporary strategies for teamwork and collaboration in technical communication classes. This study explores perceptions, materials and classroom activities related to collaboration and teamwork, and results will be used to create a collection of pedagogical practices and stimulate future research opportunities.

I am looking for technical communication educators who have taught at least one technical communication course in the past three years.

If you agree to take part in this study, you will be asked to complete an online survey which should take approximately 20 minutes.

Survey link: https://niu.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_0MWu8Zf9OPJ1s4B

Within the survey, you will be asked to submit curricular artifacts which may include syllabi, assignment prompts and teaching materials.  Submitting your materials is optional and not required for completion of the survey.

I am looking forward to learning more about the experiences in your technical communication classroom and I greatly appreciate you taking the time to assist me with my research.


Marcy Bock Eastley
PhD Candidate, English: Rhetoric, Composition and Technical Writing
Northern Illinois University
Mbock3 at niu.edu<mailto:Mbock3 at niu.edu>
Dissertation Advisor:
Dr. Jessica Reyman
Professor, Department of English
Acting Director, Center for the Study of Women, Gender and Sexuality
jreyman at niu.edu<mailto:jreyman at niu.edu>

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