[ATTW-L] Persuasive case study request

Debi Galley galley.debi at gmail.com
Thu Mar 10 18:04:29 UTC 2022


As part of my persuasive writing unit, I would like students to practice
persuasive arguments in a court-like context: write a quick brief based on
the facts, respond to a brief written by another student, and finish with a
concluding argument. This exercise would most likely be done in class, so
the briefs would be less than a page.

Do you know of a good repository for case studies or stories that I could
use for this exercise? The stories would have to include enough detail to
make an argument, but enough ambiguity that I could reasonably assign
either side, and fairly short.

Thank you in advance for any help given!

Debi Galley
Brigham Young University
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