[ATTW-L] Updated MMU Scholar List

Cana Itchuaqiyaq cana.itchuaqiyaq at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 00:40:41 UTC 2022

Hello, colleagues!

I have completed the latest update of the *self-identified* multiply
marginalized and underrepresented (MMU) Scholar List. Apologies for the
delay (who would have known that starting a faculty job would be time
consuming). :P

The MMU Scholar List is now up to *162 scholars*!

The MMU Scholar List <https://www.itchuaqiyaq.com/mmu-scholar-list>  and
the MMU Bibliography <https://www.itchuaqiyaq.com/mmu-bibliography> can be
viewed/downloaded from my personal scholar website: www.itchuaqiyaq.com.
(Note: there weren't any bibliography submissions this last go round so
that document remains the same.)

This MMU Scholar List and MMU Bibliography was created from responses from
the IRB-approved survey conducted October 2019-April 2020 by Cana Uluak
Itchuaqiyaq and Rebecca Walton, from the listing in Walton, Moore, and
Jones's 2019 book, *Technical Communication After the Social Justice Turn:
Building Coalitions for Action*
169-171), and from responses to ongoing Google Form surveys collecting
basic information.

If you identify as an MMU scholar and would like to have your information
added/removed/updated in the MMU Scholar List, please fill out this Google
If you identify as an MMU scholar and would like your published scholarship
added/removed/updated in the MMU Bibliography, please fill out this Google

The next update will be this summer!

Thank you to everyone who has helped make these resources possible!

[My apologies for cross-posting on ATTW, WPA, nextGEN, CPTSC,

Chiis-sa viñauramiglu,

Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq, PhD
(KAY-nuh OOH-loke itch-AWE-key-yuck)

Professional & Technical Writing | Department of English

Virginia Tech


Dr. Itchuaqiyaq is working at Virginia Tech, which is situated on the
traditional lands of the Tutelo/Monacan Nation. Whose land are you on?
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