[ATTW-L] UPDATED MMU Scholar List and MMU Bibliography

Cana Itchuaqiyaq cana at vt.edu
Sat Aug 12 17:46:40 UTC 2023

(Apologies for cross-posting.)

We have completed an update of the *self-identified* multiply marginalized
and underrepresented (MMU) Scholar List and the MMU Bibliography. The MMU
Scholar List is now up to 180 scholars and the Bibliography is 17 pages

The MMU Scholar List <https://www.itchuaqiyaq.com/mmu-scholar-list> and the MMU
Bibliography <https://www.itchuaqiyaq.com/mmu-bibliography> can be
viewed/downloaded from Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq's personal scholar website:
www.itchuaqiyaq.com. However, it will soon be hosted on the Kairos
PraxisWiki <https://praxis.technorhetoric.net/tiki-index.php>!

If you identify as an MMU scholar and would like to have your information
added/removed/updated in the MMU Scholar List, please fill out this Google

If you identify as an MMU scholar and would like your published scholarship
added/removed/updated in the MMU Bibliography, please fill out this Google

(Please note that we will be updating these resources once per semester.)

Thank you to everyone who has helped make these resources possible! Best
wishes for the new semester!

Quyanaqpak! | Thank you so much!
Cana (on behalf of the MMU Database Advisory Board: Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq,
Natasha N. Jones, & Jennifer Sano-Franchini)

*Cana Uluak Itchuaqiyaq, PhD*
(KAY-nuh OOH-loke itch-AWE-key-yuck) help

Professional & Technical Writing

Department of English

Virginia Tech | She/They

Dr. Itchuaqiyaq is working at Virginia Tech, which is situated on the
traditional lands of the Tutelo/Monacan Nation. Whose land are you on?
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