[ATTW-L] Rhetoric of Health and Medicine Symposium 2023 CFP

Dan Kenzie dan.kenzie at gmail.com
Tue Mar 7 20:05:41 UTC 2023

Dear All,

I am pleased to announce that the biennial *Rhetoric of Health and Medicine
Symposium *will be held *September 15-16, 2023* at the University of
Minnesota-Twin Cities in Minneapolis, MN. Please see the symposium website
for the call for proposals and submission link (*due April 16*), which also
appear later in this message: https://medicalrhetoric.com/symposium2023/

My fellow co-chairs (Molly Kessler and Colleen Derkatch) and I welcome any
questions or accessibility feedback at rhmsymposium at gmail.com.

Here is the full CFP, with a link to the submission form at the end:

*Call for Proposals*
*2023 Rhetoric of Health and Medicine Symposium*
Theme: Sustaining a Dwelling Place for RHM
September 15th & 16th, 2023
Minneapolis, MN

The Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (RHM) Symposium is a mix of open-call
papers and invited participants, which results in a diverse gathering of
folks from graduate students to senior faculty from a variety of
disciplines and fields. The RHM Symposium seeks to bring together
humanities and social scientific research traditions in a rhetorically
focused way to allow scholars to build new interdisciplinary theories,
methodologies, and insights that can impact our understanding of health,
medicine, illness, healing, and wellness.

The first issue of the journal Rhetoric of Health & Medicine began with an
introduction by founding editors Lisa Melonçon and J. Blake Scott (2018)
called “Manifesting a Scholarly Dwelling Place in RHM.” In it, Melonçon and
Scott narrate how scholars working in rhetoric of health and medicine
coalesced into a community to create a fruitful dwelling place–a place to
stop a moment, develop their character, and engage others in discourse–for
both rhetoricians of health and medicine and outside stakeholders. On the
fifth anniversary of the RHM journal’s founding, as we prepare for the
first in-person symposium since 2017, we have an opportunity to take stock
of RHM as a dwelling place and intentionally envision its future.

The expansiveness of the terms “rhetoric,” “health,” and “medicine” calls
us to affirm RHM’s emergence as a field of inquiry and scholarly community,
and to ensure it continues to be welcoming for both members of this
community and those with varied disciplinary identities whose work with
health or medicine resonates with rhetoric in any of its many forms. We are
also called to act on our commitment to diversity, equity, access, and
inclusion as we maintain and nourish our dwelling places, recognizing that
true sustainability necessitates both affirming a group identity and
recognizing who those boundaries can exclude. Finally, we are called to
envision how RHM scholars and our community partners and allies can work
together to redress pressing issues in health and medicine through
purposeful listening, public scholarship, and interdisciplinary engagement.
Accordingly, we can embrace rhetorical dwelling as a “skill for attuning to
spatial and temporal contingencies of constantly changing phenomena,”
(Teston, p. 57) including economic, political, and environmental factors as
well as precarious and radically diverse bodyminds (Clare, 2017; Price,
2014; Schalk, 2018).

We hope you'll help us make this symposium a place where we can
collaborate, deliberate, and learn together.

*Inclusivity and Accessibility*
We understand access as an “ongoing, iterative process” (Meloncon, 2018)
that involves careful planning and nimble adaptation to the unexpected
(Haas & Eble, 2018). With your help, we are committed to making the
symposium an inclusive and accessible space from proposal submission to
day-of events. As this will be our first in-person symposium since 2017, we
are currently developing an accessibility action plan that will allow us to
respond to the needs of all attendees, and we are incorporating several new
kinds of sessions (see below).

We also invite feedback and recommendations at any time at
rhmsymposium at gmail.com.

To learn more about how we have prioritized access and inclusion in the
past, read the Accessibility Action Plan for our 2021 virtual symposium.

*Proposal Details*
A hallmark of the RHM Symposium has been its orientation toward dialogue
among attendees. We are excited to maintain this tradition through a mix of
session styles this year, and we anticipate this year’s symposium to
include a combination of short presentations, workshops, and the
works-in-progress sessions.

To submit a proposal, please complete the RHM Symposium 2023 Submission
Form. The form will ask for the following information:

   - *Contact information*: name, affiliation, email, position
   - *Title *of your project/proposal
   - *Keywords *that describe your professional identity, research area,
   and/or proposal
   - *Proposal *of up to 500 words, not including citations.
   - *Proposal type: *see more details below.

As part of the proposal submission process, you will be invited to
designate what kind of session you’d like your project to be considered
for, including:

   - *Works-in-progress for working groups*
   - *Lightning talk* (5-7 minutes)
   - *Panel* (75 minutes)
   - *Workshop *(90 minutes)

NOTE: We invite you to submit one or multiple proposals for different
session types. You will need to submit separate forms for each session type
you'd like to be considered for. The same project can be submitted for
multiple session types or you can submit multiple projects, but we ask that
you only submit once for any given session type (i.e. please don’t submit
multiple work-in-progress proposals or multiple workshop proposals). Each
submission will be reviewed independently.

*Session Type Descriptions*

   - *Work-in-progress*: Participants accepted for the work-in-progress
   session will be placed into small working groups with three to five other
   participants. Members of these groups will exchange drafts and provide
   feedback on each other’s works-in-progress (drafts of articles,
   dissertation chapters, grant proposals, book chapters, etc.). Proposals for
   works-in-progress should describe the project and indicate the genre of the
   work-in-progress (e.g., article draft, grant proposal, dissertation
   - *Lightning talk*: Participants accepted for lightning talks will be
   organized into panels  with short (5-7 minute) presentations followed by a
   facilitated discussion. Proposals for lightning talks should describe the
   project being presented and articulate what kinds of questions or
   discussion prompts the talk would offer.
   - *Panel:* Accepted panels will feature 3-5 presentations of 10-15
   minutes on the speakers’ current research. Panel proposals should provide a
   panel overview and brief descriptions of each presentation.
   - *Workshop: *Accepted workshops will guide symposium attendees through
   hands-on activities or guided discussions with specific themes and goals.
   Proposals for workshop facilitation should articulate the purpose of the
   workshop, how the workshop will be interactive for attendees, and what
   practical takeaways attendees will leave with.

*NOTE: *Only works-in-progress submissions will be considered for our Top
Paper award and the Barbara Heifferon Graduate Student Fellowship for top
graduate student submissions. All works-in-progress submissions are
automatically considered.

*Important Dates*
April 16, 2023: Proposals due
May, 2023: Decisions released
September 1, 2023: Drafts of works-in-progress due
September 15 & 16, 2023: RHM Symposium

Submit your proposal by completing the 2023 RHM Symposium Submission form
<https://umn.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_8hQrDG4eFOKmijQ>. You can complete
the form multiple times if you are submitting to participate in multiple
ways (e.g., for works-in-progress and lightning talk).

*Have a question? Contact us!*
Please contact rhmsymposium at gmail.com if you have any questions or if you
have feedback, accessibility requests, or recommendations

More details about the 2023 RHM Symposium can be found online at

Clare, E. (2017). *Brilliant imperfection: Grappling with cure*. Duke
University Press.
Haas, A. M., & Eble, M. F. (Eds.). (2018). *Key theoretical frameworks:
Teaching technical communication in the twenty-first century*. University
Press of Colorado.
Meloncon, L. (2018). Orienting access in our business and professional
communication classrooms. *Business and Professional Communication
Quarterly*, *81*(1), 34-51.
Meloncon, L., & Scott, J. B. (2018). Manifesting a scholarly dwelling place
in RHM. *Rhetoric of Health & Medicine*, 1(1), i-x.
Piepzna-Samarasinha, L. L. (2018). *Care work: Dreaming disability justice*.
Arsenal Pulp Press.
Price, M. (2015). The Bodymind Problem and the Possibilities of Pain.
*Hypatia*, 30(1), 268-284. doi:10.1111/hypa.12127
Schalk, S. (2018). *Bodyminds reimagined: (Dis)ability, race, and gender in
Black women's speculative fiction*. Duke University Press.
Teston, C. (2017). *Bodies in flux: Scientific methods for negotiating
medical uncertainty*. Chicago, IL: U of Chicago Press.

Daniel Kenzie, PhD
Assistant Professor
Department of Pharmacy Practice
North Dakota State University
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