[ATTW-L] Call for reviewers for Xchanges journal

Pina, Manuel manuel.pina at tamucc.edu
Wed Sep 20 14:46:33 UTC 2023


Xchanges is an interdisciplinary Technical Communication, Writing/Rhetoric, and Writing Across the Curriculum journal, which receives submissions from students from a wide array of institutions across the country and abroad. We are looking for experts across these fields to contribute their time and mentorship through providing submitting authors with thoughtful feedback for revision in anonymous review.

Xchanges is specifically looking for reviewers for the following submission types:

  *   Empirical, research-based manuscripts
  *   Reflective, practice-based pieces
  *   Theoretical pieces addressing issues in the field

As a journal dedicated to providing space for emerging scholars, we seek reviewers who are interested in the following practices, regardless of the submission type:

  *   Reviewing pieces from undergraduate and graduate writers
  *   Providing mentorship-minded feedback on manuscripts
  *   Participating in anti-racist peer review practices
  *   Considering multiple ways of knowing and researching (e.g. Indigenous methodologies, queer methodologies, counterstories/testimonios, etc.)

The Xchanges Editorial Team invites interested reviewers to submit their information (including interests) here: https://forms.gle/L9M8EJ56xaoxo2pA7

We deeply appreciate reviewers’ contributions to the journal and work to make timelines that work well for reviewers. In an effort to acknowledge these contributions, reviewers for the journal can request letters for tenure/promotion/job-seeking packages from the Managing Editors.  Email xchangesjournal at gmail.com<mailto:xchanges at gmail.com> with any questions or concerns.

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