[ATTW-L] Hiring Assistant Professor, Professional Writing and Publishing, University of Wisconsin - Whitewater

Baumgardt, Daniel G baumgard at uww.edu
Wed Nov 14 15:53:07 UTC 2018

Please consider and share widely the below job announcement.

Thank you,

Dr. Daniel Baumgardt
Associate Professor, Professional Writing and Publishing
University of Wisconsin – Whitewater
Whitewater, WI


Assistant Professor of English (Professional Writing and Publishing emphasis)

University of Wisconsin-Whitewater


The Department of Languages and Literatures in the College of Letters and Sciences at the University of Wisconsin-Whitewater seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor of English within our Professional Writing and Publishing emphasis. This is a full-time position with responsibilities for teaching undergraduate courses within the emphasis (and later, graduate courses), conducting research, and serving the university and wider community. We welcome applications from scholars who specialize in science and technology studies, digital rhetoric, data studies, web and information design, or usability/UX.


The successful candidate will deepen our offerings within professional writing, editing, and/or rhetorical theory; lead the updating of our upper-level service courses in technical and scientific writing; and further shape curricular development in our Professional Writing and Publishing program. The candidate will be expected to pursue an active research agenda that engages undergraduate students, results in publications, and contributes to advancing the department, the university, the profession, and society. The candidate will also be expected to participate in service activities and embrace the principles of diversity and inclusion as a member of the university community.


Ph.D. in rhetoric, writing studies, composition,  professional writing, or related field, in hand by time of appointment, is strongly preferred. ABD candidates may apply but must have their degree completed by the contract start date of August 21, 2019. Additionally, we seek demonstrated excellence in and commitment to teaching, with an emphasis on promoting the success of undergraduate students; commitment to working with diverse populations and serving as an active member of the university community; and clear evidence of scholarly potential. Salary is commensurate with academic preparation and experience.


The successful candidate will teach advanced undergraduate courses in professional writing and will expand the scope of the program by designing innovative courses stemming from areas of his or her expertise. Standard teaching load is 4/4 with reasonable expectations for publication. Faculty members serve as advisors/mentors to students and may engage them in research or other scholarly and creative activities. Faculty serve at the departmental, college, and university levels and participate in community organizations relevant to their expertise. Faculty may be required to teach online and/or in a hybrid format.


The Department of Languages and Literatures houses four English program emphases: creative writing, literature, professional writing and publishing, and secondary English education. The PWP emphasis is young, but has grown quickly into a robust and exciting program.


UW-Whitewater (http://www.uww.edu) is the largest regional comprehensive university within the UW System and enjoys a reputation as a high quality residential campus located near the scenic Kettle Moraine State Forest in southeastern Wisconsin. UW-Whitewater is situated on 400 acres of land and has an annual budget of more than $219 million. UW-Whitewater is located in the community of Whitewater, which has 14,622 residents and is within convenient driving distance to the metropolitan areas of Madison, Milwaukee and Chicago. The university enrolls more than 12,000 students in more than 50 majors housed within four academic colleges. UW-Whitewater also offers 16 master’s degrees and a Doctorate in Business Administration. The university’s strategic plan can be found at: www.uww.edu/strategic-plan<http://www.uww.edu/strategic-plan>. It has a special mission within the UW System to serve students with disabilities and, as such, embraces the principles of universal design and is one of the most accessible campuses in the state. UW-Whitewater is a Division III NCAA university and member of WIAC (http://wiacsports.com). The campus has over 200 student organizations and is a vital economic engine for southeastern Wisconsin.

UW-Whitewater is committed to seeking and sustaining a culturally and ethnically diverse campus environment, building a diverse faculty and staff with expertise and interest in serving students with diverse needs, backgrounds, ethnicities, abilities and other distinct characteristics in respectful, sensitive and understanding ways. The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is an Equal Opportunity and Affirmative Action Employer, and actively seeks and encourages applications from women, people of color, persons with disabilities, and veterans.


The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater is part of the 26-campus University of Wisconsin System (https://www.wisconsin.edu).

Wisconsin Statute 19.36(7)(b) provides that applicants may indicate in writing that their identity should be kept confidential. In response to a public records request, the University will not reveal the identities of applicants who request confidentiality in writing, except that the identity of the successful final candidate will be released. See Wisconsin Statute 19.36(7)(a).

UW-Whitewater requires criminal background checks as a contingency to employment. A criminal background check will be conducted prior to an offer of employment.

The University of Wisconsin-Whitewater requires that all employees be active participants in following applicable safety rules and regulations including necessary training and drills. For UW-Whitewater Campus safety information and crime statistics/annual Security Report, see http://www.uww.edu/asfr. If you would like a paper copy of the report please contact the UW-Whitewater Police at 262-472-4660.

To learn more about UW-Whitewater's competitive benefits packages go to our: ALEX webpage<https://www.wisconsin.edu/ohrwd/benefits/alex/>, which is our interactive benefits decision support tool.


UW-Whitewater embraces AAC&U’s LEAP principles (http://www.uww.edu/leap) and emphasizes student, staff and faculty participation in High-Impact Practices (https://www.aacu.org/resources/high-impact-practices). The Office of Research and Sponsored Programs (http://www.uww.edu/orsp) provides support for faculty scholarly and creative activities as well as other opportunities to apply for reassigned time and/or other resources to support research activities. UW-Whitewater faculty and staff also have access to technology transfer and research resources provided by WiSys (https://www.wisys.org).


Applications received by December 15, 2018 are ensured full consideration. Applications received after that date may be given consideration at the discretion of the search committee. Application materials will be evaluated and the most qualified applicants will be invited to participate in the next step of the selection process.

If you have questions regarding this recruitment, or if you are not able to complete the application online due to a disability or system problem, please contact us at 262-472-1024 or hrstudent at uww.edu<mailto:hrstudent at uww.edu>.

For questions regarding the position please contact:

Daniel Baumgardt, Search Chair
Associate Professor, Department of Languages and Literatures
baumgard at uww.edu


Only complete application packages will be considered. A complete application includes online submission of the following documents:

  *   CV
  *   Cover Letter
  *   Graduate transcripts (photocopies are acceptable for initial application)
  *   Three (3) letters of recommendation (these may be sent separately to Elizabeth Lamb at lambe at uww.edu<mailto:lambe at uww.edu>)
  *   Scholarly writing sample

To apply and submit these documents online, please visit http://www.uww.edu/employment. Next, scroll to the middle of the page and click on the “Faculty and Instructional Staff” link. The Job ID is 14853, listed under “Tenure Track Faculty – College of Letters & Sciences.” Once there, please scroll to the bottom and select the appropriate link under “Who are you?”

If you have questions regarding this recruitment, or if you are not able to complete the application on line due to a disability or system problem, please contact us at 262/472-1024 or hrstudent at uww.edu<mailto:hrstudent at uww.edu>.

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