[ATTW-L] Teaching the resume

Blackburne, Brian bdb026 at SHSU.EDU
Wed Nov 7 15:50:58 UTC 2018

Hi, Mark,

In addition to the useful resources posted by Rebecca and Lisa, I’ve observed, anecdotally, that CVs and résumés are still as important as they once were. In industry-related contexts, I find that potential clients/employers still like to see a traditional résumé, and in academic contexts, the CV is invariably required for applications; what’s more, many hiring committees are expressly forbidden from using LinkedIn or other social platforms to research/evaluate candidates. Such sources often hold information that shouldn’t be considered in job searches (e.g., sex, race, political affiliations, gender identity, attractiveness, etc.) and could potentially bias those conducting the search. I do think that we must help students create effective job materials across all genres/media, but I tend to focus on the résumé as the go-to document while helping students consider how their online personas may affect their searches when potential employers do google them or even ask for social-media handles as an explicit part of the search process.

The topic is a fun one to teach. Enjoy!


Brian D. Blackburne, Ph.D.
(Pronouns: he, him, & his)

Sam Houston State University
Director | Technical Communication
Associate Professor | Department of English
Treasurer | Association of Teachers of Technical Writing
BrianBlackburne at shsu.edu<mailto:BrianBlackburne at shsu.edu>

From: ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org> on behalf of Mark Crane <craniac at gmail.com>
Date: Wednesday, November 7, 2018 at 8:43 AM
To: "attw-l at attw.org" <attw-l at attw.org>
Subject: [ATTW-L] Teaching the resume

I was wondering if you teach resume creation (and by extension, branding one's self and tools like LinkedIn) in your introductory courses, and if so, if you have any suggestions for doing this in a way that is supported by existing research.  My own sense is that resumes, although important, seem to be less important than they once were.

We'll be collecting research about resume writing and the semantics of electronic resume filtering processes in class today, but I thought I would "drink above the horses" as it were and ask the experts as well.
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