Han Yu hyu1 at ksu.edu
Wed Oct 3 15:56:59 UTC 2018

Dear Colleagues,

We write to invite your proposals for ATTW 2019, to be held March 12-13, in
Pittsburgh, PA. The call for proposals can be accessed here:
http://attw.org/2019-conference-cfp/. It is also attached to this email. If
you have any questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to me at
hyu1 at ksu.edu or my co-chair Marie Moeller at mmoeller at uwlax.edu.

We look forward to reading your proposals and seeing you in Pittsburgh!

Best wishes,
Han & Marie

Han Yu, PhD
Professor, Technical Communication
Internship Coordinator, English Department
Kansas State University
130 E/CS, 785-532-3339
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