[ATTW-L] Invitation to Join WPA-Announcements

ten grrl tengrrl at tengrrl.com
Thu Oct 25 04:15:06 UTC 2018

Because there have been several questions, I share the following
information on joining the announcements list.
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Traci Gardner
@tengrrl and @newsfromtengrrl
Bedford Bits Blog: tengrrl.com/bits
ReadWriteThink Author: tengrrl.com/rwt
Instructor at Va Tech: tracigardner.com <http://www.tracigardner.com/>

Calendar of CFPs: tengrrl.com/cfps

At the WAC Clearinghouse:
*Designing Writing Assignments: *wac.colostate.edu/books/gardner/
Bedford Bits Blog Archive (2009–2015): tengrrl.com/bits/archive/

On Wed, Oct 24, 2018 at 10:49 PM ten grrl <tengrrl at tengrrl.com> wrote:

> *Invitation to Join WPA-Announcements*
> Please consider joining WPA Announcements, an email announcement list for
> calls, job listings, conferences, and other matters of interest to Writing
> Program Administrators and those who teach rhetoric and composition in
> higher ed. Appropriate posts can include announcements for new sites, new
> books/articles, new journal issues, and other new/updated things of
> interest to those teaching in or managing writing programs. All messages
> will be reviewed before posting.
> This is *not *a discussion list. It focuses only on distributing relevant
> details on new, evolving, and in-progress work relevant to the scholarship
> of writing, composition, rhetoric and teaching (and all the intersections
> of those areas). Any message sent to the list will be held in moderation
> until it has been approved. Posting, therefore, is not immediate. Please
> allow time for processing any announcements that you send.
> Please share this invitation with any other lists or colleagues who will
> find it interesting.
> *How to Join*
> You can join the list by visiting
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/wpa-announcements/join. You will
> receive a confirmation message. Please follow the instructions in that
> message to finalize your list membership. Note that you can adjust settings
> (for instance, setting your membership to digest) by clicking the settings
> menu at the top right of the page, shown in the image below:
> [image: image.png]
> *Viewing Messages without Joining*
> If you prefer not to join, you can review messages on the website, where
> they are also publicly available:
> https://groups.google.com/forum/#!forum/wpa-announcements.
> *Questions? Requests?*
> For questions about the list or to request that something is forwarded to
> the list, please contact the list owner, Traci Gardner <tengrrl at gmail.com
> >.
> Traci Gardner
> www.tengrrl.com
> @tengrrl and @newsfromtengrrl
> ~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:~:
> Bedford Bits Blog: tengrrl.com/bits
> ReadWriteThink Author: tengrrl.com/rwt
> Instructor at Va Tech: tracigardner.com <http://www.tracigardner.com/>
> Calendar of CFPs: tengrrl.com/cfps
> At the WAC Clearinghouse:
> *Designing Writing Assignments: *wac.colostate.edu/books/gardner/
> Bedford Bits Blog Archive (2009–2015): tengrrl.com/bits/archive/
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