[ATTW-L] Corbett Lecture by Natasha Jones at Ohio State on April 16, 2019

Buehl, Jonathan buehl.7 at osu.edu
Thu Apr 4 17:37:00 UTC 2019

If you are located in or near central Ohio, please consider attending the annual Corbett Lecture on the Columbus campus of the Ohio State University. Professor Natasha N. Jones (University of Central Florida) will deliver a lecture titled "If Knowledge Is Power: Privilege and Knowledge Legitimization" on Tuesday, April 16 at 4:00 p.m. in 311 Denney Hall. The following abstract offers a preview of what promises to be an important and engaging talk:

This talk will explore some of the ways that privilege manifests in our daily experience, with a specific focus on knowledge legitimization and how experiential, qualitative methods (like narrative inquiry) can help encourage a more inclusive vision of technical and professional communication. Interrogating privilege as layered, dynamic, and inherently connected to the concepts of positionality and power is important for social justice and coalition building. A technical communication perspective that centers on inclusion (and an understanding of the human impact of our work, scholarship, and pedagogy) facilitates action and redresses inequities. Acknowledging privilege helps us to examine how ideas about normativity are embedded in racist and oppressive thoughts and practices and to identify how some individuals and groups of individuals are pushed to the margins of society. Privilege, or who is valued in a society, illustrates who can perceive the wholeness of how oppression functions in our academic disciplines.

The Corbett Lecture was established in 1999 through the generosity of the estate of Professor Edward P.J. Corbett. Recent Corbett Lectures have been delivered by Anis Bawarshi (2011), Arabella Lyon (2012), Margaret Price (2014), Jonathan Alexander (2015), Carmen Kynard (2016), Asao Inoue (2017), and Karma Chávez (2018).

Visitor parking is available at the Ohio Union South Garage <https://www.osu.edu/map/building.php?building=162> (1759 North High Street, Columbus, Ohio 43210), which is just a short walk from Denney Hall<https://www.osu.edu/map/building.php?building=030> (164 Annie and John Glenn Avenue).

Please contact me if you have any questions about this free event.

Jonathan Buehl

Jonathan Buehl
Associate Professor
Vice Chair of Rhetoric, Composition, and Literacy Studies
College of Arts and Sciences | Department of English
421 Denney Hall, 164 Annie and John Glenn Avenue, Columbus, OH 43210
buehl.7 at osu.edu<mailto:buehl.7 at osu.edu> osu.edu<http://osu.edu/>

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