[ATTW-L] Please join us online for Dr. Kirk St.Amant on successful strategies for publishing (Fri. April 26th)

Denora, Mary Mary.Denora at ttu.edu
Thu Apr 25 21:32:19 UTC 2019

Good afternoon, ATTW community,

Dr. Kirk St.Amant is going to speak online with us (and answer questions) about successful strategies for publishing and the role of collegiality in publishing research.  We hope you will join us online and send your grad students too!

Dr. St.Amant has authored and co-edited over 227 publications (presentations, books, edited collections, articles, and book chapters).  We hope you will join us as Dr. St.Amant will have great insights into the publishing world, as well as professional partnerships that will help you in industry or graduate school, and beyond.  He can address a lot of different kinds of questions, including things about international collaboration, medical communication in international settings, cross-disciplinary partnerships, and more. Come glean from his wisdom.

When:  April 26, 7:30pm CST (5:30pm PST/8:30pm EST)  w/ Q&A afterwards

Where:  Texas Tech University, English Room 106, OR for online access: http://gotomeet.me/StAmant<https://nam04.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fgotomeet.me%2FStAmant&data=02%7C01%7CMary.Denora%40ttu.edu%7C63f51bacfa5b4d50423208d6c9a53f2c%7C178a51bf8b2049ffb65556245d5c173c%7C0%7C0%7C636918108937529601&sdata=5l%2FYOrJbMFKsy3VVaKQNhDCkKmaLw7cKt5S6bIhlMm8%3D&reserved=0>


Kirk St.Amant is the Eunice C. Williamson Chair in Technical Communication and a member of the Center for Biomedical Engineering and Rehabilitation Science (CBERS) at Louisiana Tech University.  He is also an Adjunct Professor of Technical Communication with the University of Limerick in Ireland and a Guest Professor of Usability Studies with Southeast University in China.  He researches how cognitive processes affect the usability of technologies in health and medical contexts and in online education.

For event questions, please contact Mary De Nora (mary.denora at ttu.edu).

Thank you,

Mary De Nora
PhD Student & Graduate Student Instructor
Technical Communication and Rhetoric
English Department
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, TX 79409-3091
Cell: 858-472-0316
mary.denora at ttu.edu

Skype: mary.denora

*I try to answer email once fully per business day. If you need an answer faster than that, call or text me at my cell number above.


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