[ATTW-L] The Cultural Rhetorics Conference 2020 CFP is live!

Les Hutchinson a.les.hutchinson at gmail.com
Mon Dec 16 19:19:11 UTC 2019

!Hola¡ colleagues, 

Dora Ramirez and I are thrilled to share with you all the CFP for the 2020 Cultural Rhetorics Conference, Fault Lines: Stories from Our Lands, that we are co-hosting here at Boise State University. Please share with students, colleagues, and community members. We hope to see you all here in beautiful Boise this October. 

The 4th Biennial Cultural Rhetorics Conference | Fault Lines: Stories from Our Lands
Boise State University
Boise, ID, USA
October 1st - 3rd, 2020
Fault lines are tectonic boundaries, or breaks in the earth’s surface that have the capacity to create beautiful landscapes or have the consequence of destroying that which lives along these fractures. The Cultural Rhetorics 2020 Conference, held in Boise, Idaho, invites scholars, community members, activists, and individuals to critically engage both “fault” and “lines,” examining how the idea of fault is placed on certain communities and individuals, as well as the self when confronting our discomfort, our boundaries—our “lines.” So if fault is only placed on the surface level of an issue, how can we go below the surface, revealing its true social implications?
We invite participants to submit a proposal that engages with the organizational fault lines and what lies beneath the surface of rhetorical practices that arise in our historical and contemporary world. Examples are organizational fault lines in language, education, segregation, land, movement, (im)migration, sovereignty, access, the environment, food, police, politics, law, media, patriarchy, economics, race, dis/ability, gender, sexuality, and health (mental, physical, and spiritual). Although this list could never encompass all the active organizational fault lines in our society, Cultural Rhetorics can offer alternative ways of distributing stress on the fault lines that lie under systems of oppression, difference, and privilege by sharing new knowledge(s) and providing a space where we can practice and examine important concepts of reconciliation, relationality, and responsibility. It is understood that the United States is a colonized land and that history has structured our systems and ways of thinking. This land will always be the foundation of our cultures and communities, consequently, we must learn to live with and make apparent the fault lines in our world, because land is our relative, a mother, a home, us.  
Important dates:
Submissions open: February 1st, 2020 - April 1st, 2020
Registration open: June 1st

We’re seeking proposals that center cultural rhetorics in scholarly, pedagogical, creative and community practices via presentations (individual and group), performances, art installations, roundtables, workshops, learnshops, knowledge-shares, making demonstrations, posters, and more. Creative approaches to presenting and sharing knowledges welcome! 

We invite proposals from scholars, teachers, writers, artists, activists, performers, and tradition-bearers who want to contribute to, define, expand, illustrate, or embody the field of cultural rhetorics and join our intellectual community. 
The proposal submission system will go live on January 15th at https://cultrhetconsortium.org/ <https://cultrhetconsortium.org/>
If you have questions, check out the Cultural Rhetorics Consortium website, or email us at cultrhetcon at gmail.com <mailto:cultrhetcon at gmail.com>
We look forward to seeing you all at the conference! 
Dora Ramirez, Les Hutchinson, and Malea Powell

https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FurR_XYNQZeZOH2jfakC5Ha8q6OIJnLZr-w0UK99Tuw/edit?usp=sharing <https://docs.google.com/document/d/1FurR_XYNQZeZOH2jfakC5Ha8q6OIJnLZr-w0UK99Tuw/edit?usp=sharing>
Les Hutchinson Campos Botillo, PhD
Assistant Professor of English
Technical Communication Program
Department of English
Boise State University
1910 University Drive, MS 1525
Boise, ID 83725

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