[ATTW-L] Invitation to CCCCs Morning Workshop in Accessible Instruction

Denora, Mary Mary.Denora at ttu.edu
Wed Feb 6 19:08:07 UTC 2019

Good afternoon,

Dr. Kristen Ruccio and I would like to invite you to our morning workshop at CCCCs, “Workshop in Accessible Instruction: Cripping Performance in the Writing Intensive Classroom.” It’s a morning workshop MW08 and you can register for it on-site or through the registration system.

We have a lot of activities planned and we plan on beginning with an introduction to cripping itself, as the term isn’t widely in use outside of disability studies circles, necessarily. Participants will get experience in cripping their syllabi, classroom activities and feedback, as well as creating classrooms founded in anti-ableist rhetoric/practices and that incorporate UX. The workshop format consists of short introductions to the concepts/activities and then table facilitators and the co-chairs will work with participants on activities that will result in your leaving the workshop with materials/assignments/concepts you can immediately implement in your writing intensive classrooms.

We have asked for a space that allows for access for all participants, including their service/emotional support animals, mobility aids and other assistive technologies, and that provides low-stimulation ambience. We also have breaks built in breaks to aid in the accessibility of the workshop itself.

Finally, we thank Leslie Anglesey for all her hard work in helping conceptualize and create this workshop. Leslie won’t be at CCCCs this year, but this workshop reflects her passion for inclusive pedagogy.


Mary De Nora
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