[ATTW-L] Career Workshop at the ATTW Conference, 3/13

Johnson, Richard D rjohnso at purdue.edu
Tue Feb 19 20:13:59 UTC 2019

Apologies for the crosslistings:

We are looking for graduate students and faculty members who would like to participate in the Career Workshop at the ATTW Conference on March 13th. The ATTW Conference is a pre-conference to the CCCC in Pittsburgh. The workshop will be held from 3:00-4:15 pm in the afternoon.

This is our tenth year running the Career Workshop at the ATTW Conference. We offer interviewing strategies for academic positions, and then we do speed interviewing in which graduate students meet individually with faculty members in five minute sessions. Then, they rotate to meet someone new.

These interviews are a great way to network with people from other universities. Graduate students have an opportunity to meet with faculty members and hear what is happening in their programs. Faculty members have the opportunity to speak with potential future colleagues.

If you or someone you know might be interested, please contact us at Richard Johnson-Sheehan at rjohnso at purdue.edu or Lisa Meloncon at meloncon at tek-ritr.com. More information about the ATTW Conference can be found at http://attw.org

We are especially interested in hearing from graduate students or faculty members who would like to participate.

We are taking RSVPs because space is limited. Make your reservation by March 1st.

Professor Richard Johnson-Sheehan
Department of English
Purdue University
500 Oval Dr.
428 Heavilon Hall
W. Lafayette, IN 47907
rjohnso at purdue.edu<mailto:rjohnso at purdue.edu>
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