[ATTW-L] Video about expected outcomes of connexions in I.P.C.D. eBook series

connexions in IPCD editors at connexionsinipcd.net
Fri Jul 19 18:09:19 UTC 2019

Do you know the expected outcomes for the connexions in I.P.C.D. eBook
Watch this video to find out! https://vimeo.com/349044584

*Extended Deadline: Aug. 19, 2019*

Consult Call for Content and complete Checklist and Submission of Work
form. See http://www.connexionsinipcd.net/ebook-cfc/

Any questions? Email the editors at editors at connexionsinipcd.net

Kyle Mattson             Rosário Durão
*U. Central Arkansas   New Mexico Tech & CityLab Design, LLC*


connexions in international professional communication and design (IPCD)
editors at connexionsinipcd.net
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