[ATTW-L] Survey Help-Online Writing Instruction

Jessie Borgman jessieborgman at gmail.com
Mon Jul 22 14:00:34 UTC 2019

Greetings Listservers!

I have been overwhelmed by the willingness to help with my dissertation
Thank you so much for the participation!

If you haven't already taken the survey *it will be open one more week. *
The survey will close one week from today, the end of the day on 07/29.

Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BorgmanDissertation2019
This study is approved by Texas Tech IRB, reference #IRB2019-633.

Jessie Borgman
Texas Tech University

On Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 4:28 PM Jessie Borgman <jessieborgman at gmail.com>

> Greetings!
> If you teach online/hybrid or administer online/hybrid writing courses I
> would greatly appreciate your help in collecting research for my
> dissertation.
> This survey is approved by Texas Tech IRB #IRB2019-633
> Survey Link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BorgmanDissertation2019
> Thank you in advance for your help!
> Full details below.
> Best,
> Jessie
> ****
> Hello-
> My name is Jessie Borgman and I am working towards a Ph.D. in Technical
> Communication and Rhetoric at Texas Tech University. I’m in the data
> collection stage of my dissertation, tentatively titled, “The Content
> Practices of Online Writing Instructors.” I am doing a survey with an
> optional follow up interview.
> I would greatly appreciate your willingness to participate in my study, as
> I would like to learn about your content practices and the management of
> the content for the online writing courses you teach or administer.
> The survey is anonymous through SurveyMonkey. All information will be kept
> confidential and participation is anonymous. If you choose to participate,
> you will need to acknowledge consent at the start of the survey.
> Participants may withdraw voluntarily at any time by exiting the
> survey.  Total involvement for the survey is about 15-20 minutes.
> At the end of the survey, there is an option to volunteer to be
> interviewed, so if you fill out the survey and are willing to be
> interviewed, please select that option and provide your contact
> information.
> Interviews will occur using Zoom, a web conferencing platform. The
> interviews will be recorded and later transcribed by me. Following the
> interview, participants will be sent the interview transcript and may
> change or delete any information they would prefer not to be recorded in
> the results. Names of interviewees will be changed to participant
> identifiers, and the transcripts will be destroyed at the end of the
> study. Total involvement for the interview is about 1 hour to 1 hour 15
> minutes.
> The information garnered from the study will prove extremely useful for
> university faculty and staff working with online writing courses. I think
> you will find the study to be interesting and worthwhile.
> This study is approved by Texas Tech IRB, reference #IRB2019-633.
> Thank you very much, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Survey link: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/BorgmanDissertation2019
> Jessie Borgman
> Technical Communication and Rhetoric Program
> Department of English
> Texas Tech University
> jessie.borgman at ttu.edu
> --
> *Best,*
> *Jessie C. Borgman*
> *www.owicommunity.org <http://www.owicommunity.org>*


*Jessie C. Borgman*
*Office Phone: 317-659-0080*
*www.owicommunity.org <http://www.owicommunity.org>*
*jessieborgman.com <http://jessieborgman.com>*
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