[ATTW-L] Taxonomy of Pre-Designed Courses Survey: Recruitment Email

Shelley Rodrigo shelley.rodrigo at gmail.com
Mon Jun 10 21:40:56 UTC 2019


Please forward this recruitment email to others who teach or administer
online programs that use pre-designed (e.g., master, template, canned)

I hope your spring term wrapped up smoothly and that you are getting a
little rest this summer.  I’m writing to request your voluntary
participation in a study that I’m conducting (with Catrina Mitchum) on the
language used in relation to pre-designed courses in higher education.
Pre-Designed Courses (PDCs, sometimes known as master, template, or canned
courses), long the standard in for-profit institutions, are becoming more
common in non-profit, private, and state institutions. PDCs usually provide
a significantly developed portion of the online course content from which
an instructor teaches. The instructor is usually not from the team who
developed the courses and is usually restricted from changing some to all
of the pre-designed elements in the course template.

The purpose of this study is to learn about the terminologies and
taxonomies surrounding the use of PDCs. What are they called? How does what
they are called construct and/or constrain the actions of the faculty,
students, and administrators using them?

Your participation in this study is entirely voluntary and would consist of
completing a brief survey (10-15 minutes).

If you are interested in participating in this study, please click on this
link to the Consent form
for this study. The bottom of consent form will contain the link to the

Link to the consent form: http://bit.ly/2WzbdxR

If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know!


Rochelle (Shelley) Rodrigo, PhD

Associate Director Writing Program, Online Writing

Associate Professor, Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English

University of Arizona

rrodrigo at email.arizona.edu

Shelley Rodrigo
Twitter: rrodrigo <http://twitter.com/rrodrigo>

"That is how innovation happens; chance favors the connected mind"
--Steven Johnson
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