[ATTW-L] Visual Rhetoric Course

Curtis Newbold cnewbold at westminstercollege.edu
Tue Mar 5 21:36:04 UTC 2019

Hi Alison,

I have many visual rhetoric resources, including syllabi in visual communication, on my website, TheVisualCommunicationGuy.com. Here is the link to the syllabi, which you're welcome to use and adapt at your leisure: https://thevisualcommunicationguy.com/course-syllabi/.



Curtis R. Newbold, PhD
Associate Professor of Communication
Program Co-chair, Master of Strategic Communication
Westminster College
Salt Lake City, UT 84105
From: ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org> on behalf of Cagle, Lauren <lauren.cagle at uky.edu>
Sent: Monday, March 4, 2019 8:13 AM
To: Alison Cardinal; attw-l at attw.org
Subject: Re: [ATTW-L] Visual Rhetoric Course

Hi Alison,

You're welcome to any materials from my UG viz rhet course; I've got a Google folder with syllabus, assignment sheets, lesson plans, etc: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/0B-79cvm2GLaoZEhqNmNfQjg2TDg?usp=sharing

It's adapted in large part from Meredith Johnson's grad viz rhet course, with the addition of an "image editing technology" workshop that I came up with as a way to get them working on self-teaching of technology, rather than requiring them all to purchase Adobe licenses and learn just that one. As a heads up, though, a number of students said they wished we'd covered Photoshop and/or Illustrator. I still like my approach of going with freeware and freemium programs, but in the future, I'd probably revise my syllabus to demo a workshop early in the semester on GIMP, which is pretty close to Photoshop. Other than that, all the workshops are student-led, and they reported really enjoying the opportunity to teach each other.

Let me know if I can add anything else or clarify any of the materials!


Lauren E. Cagle, PhD

Assistant Professor | Writing, Rhetoric, & Digital Studies, University of Kentucky<https://wrd.as.uky.edu/>

Program Faculty | Environmental and Sustainability Studies, University of Kentucky<https://ens.as.uky.edu/about-faculty>

Second Vice-President | Association for Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine<http://www.arstmonline.org/>

University of Kentucky

1351 Patterson Office Tower

(859) 257-1115

Pronouns: she/her/hers

From: ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org> on behalf of Alison Cardinal <acardin at uw.edu>
Sent: Friday, March 1, 2019 4:25 PM
To: attw-l at attw.org
Subject: [ATTW-L] Visual Rhetoric Course

Hi everyone,
I'm just wondering if anyone would be willing to share their visual rhetoric syllabi or could share their approaches? Thanks for sharing your collective wisdom!

Alison Cardinal, Ph.D. Candidate
Senior Lecturer
Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
she/her pronouns

University of Washington, Tacoma,
Box 358436, 1900 Commerce St.
Tacoma, WA 98402
Contact:  acardin at uw.edu<mailto:acardin at uw.edu>
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