[ATTW-L] Second Invitation: Survey of Moral Foundations in Tech Comm

Lam, Chris Chris.Lam at unt.edu
Wed May 8 15:36:06 UTC 2019

Apologies for cross posting
Dear ATTW-L Members,
If you have not yet taken the survey of moral foundations of technical communication, we invite your participation in this study.
Participation in this brief survey is voluntary. The survey is intended to take no more than 10 minutes. You may decline to enter this study, skip particular questions for any reason, or withdraw your participation without penalty. To access the survey click here<https://ucf.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Gqk0TL9dWnUFAV> or copy and paste the following link into a web browser https://ucf.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_6Gqk0TL9dWnUFAV .

By examining individual moral foundations (the implicit ways individuals orient themselves to ethical problems), we seek to better understand the ethical positions that technical communicators bring to their work with each other and with external stakeholders. Your response is needed to increase our understanding of the relationships between individual foundations and collective values.

If you have already completed the survey, we appreciate your time and response.

If you have questions regarding this research, please contact Laurie A. Pinkert at Laurie.Pinkert at ucf.edu<mailto:Laurie.Pinkert at ucf.edu> and Chris Lam at chris.lam at unt.edu<mailto:chris.lam at unt.edu>.

Laurie A. Pinkert, Principle Investigator

Chris Lam, Co-investigator

Human Subject Statement

Research at the University of Central Florida involving human participants is carried out under the oversight of the Institutional Review Board (UCF IRB). This research has been reviewed and approved by the IRB. For information about the rights of people who take part in research, please contact: Institutional Review Board, University of Central Florida, Office of Research & Commercialization, 12201 Research Parkway, Suite 501, Orlando, FL 32826-3246 or by telephone at (407) 823-2901.

Chris Lam, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Technical Communication
University of North Texas
Associate Editor, IEEE Transactions on Professional Communication

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