[ATTW-L] IEEE Professional Communication Society Accepting Award Nominations

Suguru Ishizaki suguru at cmu.edu
Wed Nov 6 14:08:03 UTC 2019

Dear Colleagues:

Every year, IEEE Professional Communication Society recognizes professional achievements and contributions to our profession and society by presenting awards to individuals or groups. We are currently looking for nominations for:

  *   The Alfred N. Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communication
  *   The Ronald S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education

Additional details about these awards and past awardees can be found here<https://procomm.ieee.org/awards/>. Please email nominations to suguru.ishizaki at ieee.org<mailto:suguru.ishizaki at ieee.org> by December 8, 2019. Each nomination letter should address the criteria under the award category for which you are nominating an individual or group, as well as the nominee's title and contact information.

Best regards,

Suguru Ishizaki | Carnegie Mellon University
Professor of English
Department of English, Baker Hall 259
email: suguru at cmu.edu<mailto:suguru at cmu.edu>

IEEE Professional Communication Society
suguru.ishizaki at ieee.org<mailto:suguru.ishizaki at ieee.org>


The Alfred N. Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communication

The Alfred N. Goldsmith Award for Outstanding Achievement in Engineering Communication Award has been given by IEEE PCS since 1975. Dr. Goldsmith, who held a lifetime appointment as associate professor of electrical engineering at CCNY and was the first director of research, then vice president and general manager of engineering at RCA, was one of the founders of the Institute of Radio Engineers (IRE) in 1912. From 1912 to 1954, he was editor of the IRE Proceedings. He was a sponsor and patron of the formation of the IRE Professional Group on Engineering Writing and Speech, forerunner of PCS.

Award Criteria

Nominees for the Goldsmith Award should have received distinction in the field of engineering communication as evidenced by a significant reputation in a field associated with engineering communication as well as one or more of the following:

  *   Scholarly publications in the field
  *   Presentations on engineering communication at conferences of engineers or technical and professional communicators
  *   Innovations that have advanced the practice of engineering communication
  *   Unusual achievement as a practitioner of engineering communication
  *   Although there is no strict requirement for length of career, candidates with less than 15 years experience in engineering communication are not likely to be selected for this honor. Current members of the AdCom are not eligible for the Goldsmith Award.


The Ronald S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education

The Ronald S. Blicq Award for Distinction in Technical Communication Education was proposed by the AdCom and approved by IEEE Awards and Recognition Committee in 2000. The Blicq Award recognizes innovative educators who have influenced the ways that technical communication is taught–in pre-college settings, in undergraduate and graduate university degree programs, and in professional life through workshops and seminars.

In naming the new award for Ron Blicq, PCS acknowledges his extraordinary impact on technical communication education at all levels. In courses offered through IEEE and PCS as well as university programs and independent workshops, he has helped engineers to improve their communication skills. Through his textbooks, videos, and workshops, he has also taught several generations of technical communication faculty to design practical and motivating communication courses for technical students. Ron Blicq has been a member of IEEE and PCS since 1958 (they were then the Institute for Radio Engineers and the Professional Group on Engineering Writing and Speech), and he has been developing and teaching courses for the IEEE and PCS since 1974.

Award Criteria

Nominees for the Blicq Award should have achieved distinction in technical communication education as evidenced by a significant reputation as an educator in technical and professional communication as well as one or more of the following:

  *   Scholarly publications on technical and professional communication or technical and professional communication pedagogy
  *   Presentations on technical and professional communication or technical and professional communication pedagogy at conferences
  *   Achievements in technical and professional communication pedagogy
  *   Innovations in technical and professional communication curricula
  *   Although there is no strict requirement for length of career, candidates with less than 15 years experience in technical communication education (both in colleges/universities and in industry) are not likely to be selected for this honor.

Current members of the Board are not eligible for the Blicq Award.

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