[ATTW-L] [External] online resource to practice grammar & usage?

Cagle, Lauren E. lauren.cagle at uky.edu
Mon Aug 24 21:21:04 UTC 2020

This amazing free textbook developed over the last decade or so by Ed Nagelhout at UNLV is my go-to for grammar teaching and exercises: https://nagelhout.faculty.unlv.edu/AGiC/index.html
Analyzing Grammar in Context - Ed Nagelhout<https://nagelhout.faculty.unlv.edu/AGiC/index.html>
Analyzing Grammar in Context is a grammar textbook for writers and teachers of writing.

It's rhetorical, situated, and interactive. Cannot say enough good things about it.

(Full disclosure: I contributed some to it many moons ago as an MA student at UNLV.)



Lauren E. Cagle, PhD

Assistant Professor | Writing, Rhetoric, & Digital Studies, University of Kentucky<https://wrd.as.uky.edu/>

Program Faculty | Environmental and Sustainability Studies, University of Kentucky<https://ens.as.uky.edu/about-faculty>

First Vice-President | Association for Rhetoric of Science, Technology, and Medicine<http://www.arstmonline.org/>

Director & Co-Founder | Kentucky Climate Consortium<https://www.research.uky.edu/climate-consortium>

Pronouns: she/her/hers

University of Kentucky

1351 Patterson Office Tower

lauren.cagle at uky.edu

(859) 257-1115

From: ATTW-L <attw-l-bounces at attw.org> on behalf of Timothy Giles <tgiles at georgiasouthern.edu>
Sent: Friday, August 21, 2020 10:52 PM
To: Attw-l at attw.org <Attw-l at attw.org>
Subject: Re: [ATTW-L] [External] online resource to practice grammar & usage?

CAUTION: External Sender

I point students to Grammar Bytes for all things grammatical:



Tim Giles

On Fri, Aug 21, 2020 at 5:06 PM Neil Lindeman <lindeman at sfsu.edu<mailto:lindeman at sfsu.edu>> wrote:
Hi all - For an editing class that I teach, I had been using MacMillan’s LearningCurve tool to give my students grammar review quizzes. The quizzes were adaptable, meaning that the quizzes would continue feeding questions to the students until they achieved a level of mastery on a particular grammar or usage concept. Students paid something like $13 a semester for access to the quizzes.

I was happy with how it worked, but just discovered that it has been discontinued. Can anyone recommend a similar online resource they have used and like for helping students practice grammar and usage?

Neil Lindeman, PhD
Coordinator, Professional Writing & Rhetoric
San Francisco State University
office: HUM 423
email: lindeman at sfsu.edu<mailto:lindeman at sfsu.edu>
cell: 650.866.5364

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ATTW-L at attw.org<mailto:ATTW-L at attw.org>

Tim Giles, Ph.D.
Department of Writing & Linguistics
Box 8026
Georgia Southern University
Statesboro, GA 30460-8026


tgiles at georgiasouthern.edu<mailto:tgiles at georgiasouthern.edu>

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