[ATTW-L] Help us understand UX teaching practices!

Heather Turner hturner at scu.edu
Thu Dec 17 19:16:11 UTC 2020


We are inviting you to participate in an IRB approved study titled
UX teaching practices of technical and professional communication

We are investigating how user experience is taught by instructors in
Technical and Professional Communication Programs. This information will be
used to better understand how instructors approach teaching user experience
(UX) to help create best practices and establish a community of practice, a
network of individuals sharing ideas and strategies with each other. This
research is supported by a Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific
Communication grant.

The questionnaire should take approximately 10–15 minutes to complete. To
participate, please read the consent information
<https://sites.uw.edu/uxpedagogy/participate/questionnaire_consent/> and
click on the link to the questionnaire at the bottom of that page. We are
accepting responses through early 2021.

 If you have questions, please contact Dr. Emma Rose (ejrose at uw.edu) or Dr.
Heather Turner (hturner at scu.edu)

Thank you!
Heather and Emma
[image: Santa Clara University] <https://www.scu.edu/english/>
*Heather Noel Turner, Ph.D. | **Assistant Professor *and *Director of
Department of English

*500 El Camino Real, Santa Clara, CA 95053-0277*
phone | (408) 554-2364
email | hturner at scu.edu
website | www.heathernoelturner.com
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