[ATTW-L] CFP: NCTE 2021 Convention

ten grrl tengrrl at tengrrl.com
Fri Dec 25 06:04:15 UTC 2020

Greetings all,

NCTE’s College Section Steering Committee (CSSC), invites you to submit a
proposal to NCTE’s 2021 conference scheduled for next fall in Louisville,
Kentucky from November 18-21.

The conference theme is *Equity, Justice, and Antiracist Teaching**.
that theme is a passage from a June Jordan poem that concludes with this:
"We are the ones we have been waiting for." Indeed we, and I hope you,
are. *

While 2019's conference in Baltimore was 85 percent K12 faculty (no numbers
yet for 2020's virtual conference), the NCTE conference provides many
learning opportunities for those of us in higher ed. Along with helping us
understand the experiences of students before they arrive in our
classrooms, there is great work being done at the K12 level by anti-racist
teachers and scholars which many of us might like to emulate and otherwise
learn from.

 The Conference Call asks us to consider the following:

   - How do you cocreate equitable literacy learning experiences with
   students, families, and communities that center their lives, identities,
   and stories?
   - What novels, essays, poetry, stories, songs, performances, digital
   texts, and racial justice movements make up your literacy teaching,
   research, and engagements? How are they framed within an equity lens?
   - How do you commit to equity in light of possible challenges from
   school leaders, school boards, and families? What does this commitment
   involve and require?
   - What does justice mean in your literacy teaching, research, and
   - How do you cocreate literacy curricula and research that focus on
   justice? What texts do you use? What lessons do you teach? What scholarship
   do you turn to?
   - How do you involve students and families in your teaching and
   research? How do you recognize and honor their understandings of justice,
   even if they conflict with your own?
   - How do you know if your teaching and research are antiracist? What do
   you need to do, learn, and study to become an antiracist educator engaging
   in antiracist literacy work?
   - How are students and families being affirmed within antiracist
   learning contexts?
   - What texts, stories, digital tools, and other experiences make up your
   teaching, research, and community-engaged antiracist work? Do they
   reproduce racism or center antiracism?

Please read the whole of the CFP:

CFP deadline is January 13, 2021.

The proposal system requires a NCTE member number, so if you aren’t a
member, please join or collaborate with someone who is. You may also
request coaching though the application process to improve the chances of
proposal acceptance. If you have any questions, please get in touch.

Additionally, the CSSC sponsors an event on Saturday afternoon for which
lunch has been (and I expect, will be) provided. While it was a virtual
event in 2020, the session on developing community writing programs was
both well attended (70 in the Zoom session) and pretty cool.

The CSSC chair and potentially other members participate in the review
process when it comes to college level proposals so if you have any
questions, please reach out to CSSC Chair Bradley Bleck at
bradley.bleck at sfcc.spokane.edu.

For the CSSC,

Bradley Bleck, Chair
English Department
Spokane Falls CC
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