[ATTW-L] Reminder: Accessibility CFP for special issue of IEEE Transactions

Lisa Melonçon meloncon.research at gmail.com
Thu Jan 16 15:50:15 UTC 2020


Do you have experience designing an accessible classroom, working with
accessibility experts in the technical communication field or are
interested in finding out how such work is carried out?
Consider submitting a proposal for the upcoming IEEE Transactions on
Professional Communication’s Special Issue on Accessibility. The deadline
for abstract submissions is March 1, 2020. We are interested in publishing
research articles, integrative literature reviews, case studies or teaching
cases (tutorials).
See for full call: *https://tek-ritr.com/back-to-accessibility/
Nupoor and I welcome queries and conversations about your ideas.

Have a great end of term and break!

Lisa Melonçon, PhD
Co-Editor, Rhetoric of Health and Medicine (
Book Series Editor, Foundations and Innovations in TPC (
Professor, Technical Communication
Department of English
University of South Florida
4202 Fowler Avenue, CPR 311
Tampa, FL 33620-5550
Phone: 803-370-0008
Email: meloncon.research at gmail.com or meloncon at usf.edu
Pronouns: she/her/hers
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