[ATTW-L] CFP: Young Scholars in Writing

Emily Murphy Cope ecope1 at ycp.edu
Tue Jan 28 16:21:31 UTC 2020

*Young Scholars in Writing *is now accepting submissions for Volume 18 (CFP
attached). *Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing
and Rhetoric*
a peer-reviewed journal that publishes research and theoretical articles by
undergraduates of all majors and years on the subjects of rhetoric,
writing, writers, discourse, language, and related topics.

For this volume, we are accepting the following types of submissions.

   - *Articles* (original research; 10-25 pages double spaced)
   - *Comments & Responses* (response to previous YSW article which
   presents a clear argument and draws on additional sources; 2-5 pages double
   - *Methodological Reflections* (detailed narrative and reflection about
   experience using empirical method that is in conversation with the
   literature on methods; 3-8 pages double spaced)
   - *Spotlight on First-Year Writing* (research by students in first-year
   college writing courses; 5-25 pages double spaced)

We (the YSW editors) are eager to support undergraduate research and are
available to "zoom" into your classes to discuss research and publication
in *YSW* with your classes. Just send me an email to let us know if you'd
like to schedule a virtual meeting.

Thanks so much and please be in touch!
Emily, on behalf of the incoming *YSW* co-editors

Emily Murphy Cope (ecope1 at ycp.edu)
Gabriel Cutrufello (gcutrufe at ycp.edu)
Kimberly Fahle Peck (kfahle at ycp.edu)

Emily Murphy Cope
incoming co-editor, *Young Scholars in Writing
Assistant Professor of Rhetoric & Writing Studies
Assistant Director of General Education - Foundations & Advanced
York College of Pennsylvania

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