[ATTW-L] CFP: Making Games Matter (Special Issue of Computers and Composition

Holmes, Steve Steve.Holmes at ttu.edu
Tue Jul 7 19:11:41 UTC 2020

Dear all,

This email contains an attachment with a detailed CFP and timeline for a special issue of Computers and Composition that I'm co-editing with Rebekah Shultz Colby (University of Denver).

Our broad topic and subject matter is games (both digital and non-digital) and material rhetorics. We welcome submissions from a technical communication perspective. By design, this CFP is hospitable to a variety of disciplinary methods and approaches.

Initial abstracts are due: Oct 1, 2020.

We're both more than happy to answer any questions about your ideas for this special issue. We look forward to hearing from some of you in the future!

Steve & Rebekah

steve.holmes at ttu.edu

Rebekah.ShultzColby at du.edu

PS: My apologies for any cross-posting.


Steve Holmes

Associate Professor

Technical Communication and Rhetoric

English Department

Texas Tech University

Email: steve.holmes at ttu.edu

Office: Engl and Phil 487


This is a public, university-owned email account and subject to an Open Records request through the Freedom of Information Act at any time. Correspondence of a personal nature should be sent to: stevenkeoniholmes at gmail.com

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