[ATTW-L] Deadline Extended: CPTSC 2020 Research Grants

Joanna Schreiber jschreiber at georgiasouthern.edu
Tue May 12 00:57:01 UTC 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Please consider applying for a research grant from the Council for
Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC). The deadline
for proposals has been extended to May 22, 2020. Please find the full call
linked here
at the end of this message. Please contact Stacey Pigg (slpigg at ncstate.edu)
or me (jschreiber at georgiasouthern.edu) with any questions.

Best regards,

Stacey Pigg and Joanna Schreiber, CPTSC Research Grants Committee Co-Chairs

Call for Proposals: 2020 CPTSC Research Grants
Deadline: May 22, 2020

The Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication (CPTSC)
invites interested members to apply for research grants of up to $2,000.
The CPTSC Research Grant supports research pertaining to programmatic
issues within the field. The goal of supporting this research is to promote
programs in technical, professional, and scientific communication and
develop opportunities for the exchange of ideas, information, research, and
career connections across technical, professional, and scientific
communication communities. Proposals should help to define, develop, or
better understand some particular aspect of the work of technical and
professional communication program administration with clear application
across institutions.

CPTSC will award a maximum of three research awards, and the number
distributed will be determined by organizational funds and quality of
proposals. Proposals will be assessed via blind peer review. Funded
projects should be completed within 12 months of award receipt.

CPTSC encourages proposals that investigate a discrete question around
issues that affect multiple programs or recommend solutions that can be
applied across programs. Examples include:


   Curricular explorations that could lead to best or effective practices
   (e.g., a multi-site study on online teaching modes, in-depth understanding
   of courses that are common across programs, an examination of teaching
   practices and genres across institutions)

   Faculty and professional development issues, such as the role of
   contingent faculty or issues around reappointment, promotion, and tenure

   Relationships with other departments, other writing programs, and
   administration and what these relationships mean for TPC program
   administration and curricula

   Practitioner-related research that could impact curricula and/or
   teaching practices

   Multi-institutional research that revolves around a particularly
   pressing issue and/or explores innovative curricula and teaching methods

   Development of a resource (e.g., a database, website, or
   software/application) that program administrators in the field could use to
   assist with the development or management of programs



   All applicants on the proposed project must be current CPTSC members.

   Research projects funded in the previous award cycle are not eligible
   for repeat funding.

   CPTSC grants committee members are not eligible for funding.

   Graduate student projects are eligible for funding but should list a
   faculty mentor as a co-applicant.

Organization of the Proposal

Applicants should submit a 2–3 page proposal (single spaced, 12-point font,
1-inch margins) that contains the following information:


   Cover sheet: Include applicant name(s), institutional affiliations,
   contact information for the project leader, and project abstract of no more
   than 200 words (this page does not count as part of the length requirements)

   Problem Statement: Explain the problem or question that the research
   project is attempting to solve

   Background: Describe the significance of this question or problem by
   situating the proposed project in the context of current and previous
   program-based work in the field, drawing on field literature

   Methodology: Outline the proposed method(s) and methodology

   Timeline: Include an annotated project timeline that notes the various
   major research activities/tasks associated with the project, including IRB
   approval if necessary. (For applicable research, funding will not be
   released until an IRB approval or exemption has been obtained and submitted
   to the grants coordinator.)

   Budget: Include an itemized project budget. Funds may be used for
   research expenses only, including materials, research assistants, travel to
   collect or analyze data, software, etc. Funds may not be used for salary,
   release time, or conference travel. Institutional overhead and indirect
   costs are not allowed in the budget. Proposals with matching or in-kind
   contributions are strongly encouraged.

   Statement: A statement that the researcher(s) understand and are willing
   to adhere to the requirements of the grant recipient (outlined below)

Criteria for Selection

Adherence to proposal guidelines


   Membership will be verified, and only proposals from current CPTSC
   members will be considered

   Application should be complete

   Project was not funded in the previous award cycle

Significance and connections to programs


   Does the proposal address an important problem/issue that is relevant to
   CPTSC and its members?

   How will knowledge and practice be advanced through this project?

   Does the proposal make clear connections to existing research in the

   Is the project innovative and original?

   Does the project employ novel approaches, methodologies, tools, or
   technologies that will help advance knowledge and practice in the field?

   Can the results be applied across programs and institutions?

Methods and methodology


   Are the methods and methodology clearly explained?

   Are the methods and methodology appropriate for the question being asked?

   Will the research as described result in useful findings that can impact
   TPC programs and/or pedagogy?

   Is there a clear indication that the IRB process (if appropriate) has
   been or will be completed?

   Can this project be completed within the 12-18 month time frame?

   If applicable, are the choices of site and/or participants suited to the
   aims of the project and to the project’s completion?

Budget effectiveness


   Are all costs and expenditures clearly explained?

   Do cost and expenditures make sense for the overall aims and methods?

   Do the project outcomes justify the project’s expenses?

Requirements of Grant Recipients

All grant recipients must agree to do the following:

Within 6 months of receiving research funding from CPTSC


   Provide the CPTSC Research Grants Committee Chair with a short (1-3
   page) progress report on the status of the project at that point in time.

Within 12 months of receiving research funding from CPTSC


   Complete the research project.

   Propose to present research findings at the annual CPTSC conference
   (within two years of research award).

Within 18 months of receiving research funding from CPTSC/upon conclusion
of the project


   Provide the CPTSC Research Grants Director with a formal final research
   report, in the form of a research article that will be published (pending
   peer review) in the CPTSC journal Programmatic Perspectives in order to
   share this information with the organization’s membership.

Nota Bene:  Any additional publications or presentations resulting from the
research should acknowledge CPTSC grant support for the related project.

Guidance and Questions

The CPTSC Grants Committee encourages applicants to contact them to discuss
projects prior to the funding deadline. Because the committee has archives
of existing syllabi and understandings of current field practices, they can
help shape current projects and in some cases offer archival resources.
Please contact Stacey Pigg (slpigg at ncsu.edu) or Joanna Schreiber (
jschreiber at georgiasouthern.edu) if you wish to discuss your project with
the CPTSC Grants Committee.

Questions relating to CPTSC’s Research Grants Program, the proposal
submission guidelines, or the proposal submission and review processes
should be emailed to Stacey Pigg (slpigg at ncsu.edu) or Joanna Schreiber (
jschreiber at georgiasouthern.edu).

Submitting the Proposal

Proposals should be received by May 22, 2020 for full consideration.
Decisions will be announced by June 30, 2020. Email proposals as .docx or
PDF attachments sent to Stacey Pigg (slpigg at ncsu.edu) and Joanna Schreiber (
jschreiber at georgiasouthern.edu).
Joanna Schreiber, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Professional and Technical Communication
Treasurer, Council for Programs in Technical and Scientific Communication

Dept. of Writing and Linguistics | P.O. Box 8026
Georgia Southern University
622 COBA Drive
Statesboro, GA 30460
Newton Bldg. 2222-C | (912) 478-5908
Pronouns: she/her/hers
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