[ATTW-L] ABC San Diego Conference Submission Deadline - May 18

ATTW Communications communications at attw.org
Fri May 15 19:35:32 UTC 2020

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From: "Koenig,Abigail" <abigail.koenig at louisville.edu>
To: "attw-l at attw.org" <attw-l at attw.org>
Date: Fri, 15 May 2020 18:56:40 +0000
Subject: Fw: ABC San Diego Conference Submission Deadline - May 18

Would appreciate if you could post on the upcoming ABC CFP. Thank you!

*Abby Koenig | *Assistant Professor

University of Louisville
Department of Management

College of Business, Room 372

Louisville, KY 40292
abigail.koenig at louisville.edu


Dear colleagues, I’m forwarding our last reminder for the CFP for ABC
2020.  Hope some of you will consider submitting.  *We will hold the event;
it will be hybrid at best case or 100% virtual*.  The proposal submission
forms ask for info regarding virtual submissions.  Jim

James M. Dubinsky, PhD
Associate Professor, Rhetoric & Writing, D/English (0112)

Executive Director, Association for Business Communication (ABC)

(540) 641-2564

A quick reminder about the May 18th submission extension: the extension is
almost over. A lot has happened over the last few weeks, and you might have
had an "ah-ha" moment while transitioning from face-to-face teaching to
emergency remote teaching and now online teaching.

The 85th Annual International Conference’s theme is "Strengthening B-comm
in an era where perception is reality." Your carefully submitted extended
abstract (conference proposal submission) should be 500 to 1000 words, not
counting references.  All proposals will be double-blind reviewed.

Click to find the *Call for Papers
pdf.)  Please click to *read and follow the submission guidelines
submission parameters and review criteria.  Find the *submission link* on
the conference page at:

Many thanks for those who already submitted and offered to be a reviewer.

Dee Fuchs and Ashley Nelson
ABC Conference Co-chairs

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