[ATTW-L] The October 2020 Issue of JBTC Is Available

Mackiewicz, Jo [ENGL] jomack at iastate.edu
Thu Oct 29 22:42:14 UTC 2020

Dear Colleagues,

The October 2020 issue of Journal of Business and Technical Communication<https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jbt> is available! The TOC is below. Best, Jo


Inductively Versus Deductively Structured Product Descriptions: Effects on Chinese and Western Readers
by Qian Li, Joyce Karreman, and Menno D. T. de Jong, University of Twente

How Large Information Technology Companies Use Twitter: Arrangement of Corporate Accounts and Characteristics of Tweets
by Shu Zhang, Jordy F. Gosselt, and Menno D. T. de Jong, University of Twente

Approaches and Practices

Legally Minded Technical Communicators: A Case Study of a Legal Writing Course

by Godwin Y. Agboka, University of Houston–Downtown

Book Reviews

Citizenship and Advocacy in Technical Communication: Scholarly and Pedagogical Perspectives

Reviewed by Jacob D. Richter, Clemson University

Conversational Design: A Book Apart

Reviewed by Amy Cicchino, Auburn University

Teaching Professional and Technical Communication: A Practicum in a Book

Reviewed by John Misak, New York Institute of Technology

Jo Mackiewicz (“mack-uh-which” or “mack-uh-wits”)
Professor and Coordinator, Rhetoric and Professional Communication
Editor, Journal of Business and Technical Communication<https://journals.sagepub.com/home/jbt>
English Department
Iowa State University, 413 Ross Hall, Ames, IA 50011-1201
jomack at iastate.edu
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