[ATTW-L] Participate in a Study Involving TPC Research and IRB Protocols/Practices

Kavita Surya KavitaSurya at clayton.edu
Tue Sep 1 14:31:02 UTC 2020

Greetings, Everyone --

Please consider participating in a study (Clayton State University Proposal #: IRB20200824001) regarding how researchers in Technical/Professional Communication (TPC) engage with Institutional Review Board (IRB) protocols and practices (including, but not limited to submitting or approving an application or serving on an IRB).

TPC researchers have continued to both generate and complicate various research methodologies and methods in response to rapid changes in the field (e.g. Rude, 2009; McNely, Spinuzzi, & Teston, 2014).

Some have explored how human subjects research protocols and practices, specifically IRBs, have rhetorically interacted with these expanded research methodologies and methods in the field, drawing from their own and others’ experiences (e.g. Gurak & Silker, 1997; Bruech, Olson, & Franz, 2002; McKee & Porter, 2008, 2009; Angeli & Koppleman, 2011; Agboka, 2014; Angeli, 2017).

This study aims to build upon such research by locating how TPC researchers engage with IRB protocols and practices to conduct human subjects research, and perhaps participate on IRBs at their institutions, particularly in ways that account for these expansions in research methodologies and methods.

You will be asked to participate in an interview. This interview should take 30-45 minutes. You may also be asked to participate in one or more follow-up interviews of approximately 15-30 minutes each, but you will not be required to do so.

If you are interested in participating, please view/fill out the Information Page/Consent Form<https://claytonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_etINpAgFpvtsBz7>.

Please consider participating in this study. Your participation is voluntary and confidential, and you can also withdraw from participating at any time. If you have questions, please email me off list.

Again, you can view the Information Page/Consent Form here<https://claytonstate.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_etINpAgFpvtsBz7>.

Thank you for your time and consideration.

Best regards,
Kavita Surya

Kavita Surya, Ph.D.
Assistant Professor
Department of English
Clayton State University
KavitaSurya at clayton.edu
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