[ATTW-L] Registration for SIGDOC 2020 is open now

Luke Thominet lthomine at fiu.edu
Tue Sep 8 22:43:26 UTC 2020

Dear Colleagues,
SIGDOC 2020 will take place on October 5 - 9. The event will be held fully online.
We have a lot of amazing content planned for the conference, including the student research competition, an editor's roundtable, and workshops on user experience pedagogy, card sort methods, and YAML as information design. For a preview of all our planned events, please review our conference schedule<http://sigdoc.acm.org/conference/2020/schedule/#page-content>.
Registration is free for all SIGDOC members and joining SIGDOC costs only $35 ($25 for students). Please visit our conference registration<http://sigdoc.acm.org/conference/2020/register/> and SIGOC membership<http://sigdoc.acm.org/join/> pages for further information. If you have any questions about registration, please contact Dr. Stacey Pigg at slpigg at ncsu.edu<mailto:slpigg at ncsu.edu>.
Hope to see you all at SIGDOC 2020!
Luke Thominet
SIGDOC Communication Manager

Luke Thominet, PhD
Assistant Professor, Technical and Professional Writing
English Department, Florida International University
lthomine at fiu.edu<mailto:lthomine at fiu.edu>
Pronouns: he/him/his

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