[ATTW-L] technical editor for Rhetoric, Professional Communication, and Globalization

Zhou, Quan quan.zhou at metrostate.edu
Sun Sep 20 20:26:56 UTC 2020

Dear colleagues,
We are planning on continuing with the Rhetoric, Professional Communication, and Globalization online journal. In the decade since its founding by Dr. Barry Thatcher, the RPCG journal has published a great many scholarly articles that examines the complex intersections of rhetoric, professional communication, and globalization. In this unprecedented time, the RPCG holds significant value to scholars and practitioners in technical and professional communication.

Dr. Thatcher is stepping down as the editor-in-chief. I’m taking on the responsibility. We are looking for  a technical editor, who will help manage the digital publishing of the journal.

Specifically, you will be working with the editor on the following responsibilities:

  *   Set up and manage the journal content management system; must be able to work with Unix
  *   Assist the Editor-in-Chief in online submissions management and digital publishing;  RPCG uses the open journal system: https://pkp.sfu.ca/ojs<https://nam02.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpkp.sfu.ca%2Fojs%2F&data=02%7C01%7Cquan.zhou%40metrostate.edu%7C9d159f8fad7446f657f908d83fa3aa67%7C5011c7c60ab446ab9ef4fae74a921a7f%7C0%7C0%7C637329319458176567&sdata=J8XtWpxki4oZxRZULdhZIKqTWDEu9wxgS4%2F4gKW1UTw%3D&reserved=0>
  *   Update the journal website with new content
  *   Maintain the journal archive

The journal is published twice a year. If you are interested, please contact me with a description of your relevant skills. A short resume is appreciated.

The following is an introduction of the RPCG journal:
This Journal publishes articles on the theory, practice, and teaching of professional communication in critical global contexts. Articles can take a variety of forms, including formal empirical studies, illustrative case studies, book, software, and academic program review, and curriculum development. The Journal is predominantly cross cultural, concentrating on how professionals from a variety of cultural and rhetorical traditions communicate with each other across a range of contexts using various communication media.

The Journal welcomes articles with diverse rhetorical styles, modes of inquiries, and contexts of research, but the articles are to be submitted in English (in all its varieties) and grounded in relevant theory and appropriate empirical research methods. All articles will conform to the APA style guide.

• Improve our research, teaching, and practice of professional communication in global contexts.
• Develop better theoretical models of global professional communication.
• Develop more valid and ethical research methodologies for global professional communication.
• Improve the practice of global business and manufacturing through more effective communication.
• Improve professional communication research and practice in critical cross-cultural and international contexts such as the environment, law, immigration, health, energy, economics, and human rights.
• Develop issues and research agendas that address the most pressing issues and challenges for communicating in the context of globalization.
• Develop better curricula and materials for teaching global professional communication not only in the United States and Europe, but around the world. Special attention will be given developing culturally sensitive curricula of professional communication for the developing world, including parts of Latin America, Eastern Europe, Asia, Africa, and India.
• Address the influence of new communication technologies in global professional contexts.
• Improve our ability to use professional communication to address issues of social justice in the context of globalization.

Best regards,

Quan Zhou, Ph.D.
Chair and Professor
Director, Master of Science in Technical Communication
Director, Graduate Certificate in the Design of User Experience

Department of Technical Communication & Interaction Design
School of Communication, Writing, and the Arts
College of Liberal Arts

Metropolitan State University, Twin Cities, MN
A Member of Minnesota State
quan.zhou at metrostate.edu<mailto:quan.zhou at metrostate.edu>
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