[ATTW-L] Open Fuego

Stephen J. Quigley sjquigl at g.clemson.edu
Wed Aug 11 15:51:25 UTC 2021

Hello ATTW Listserv,

I'm happy to announce the launch of Open Fuego, an open-source repository dedicated to helping educators integrate computer science and coding literacy into our everyday rhetoric and composition classroom. Among other things, you and your students can use these tools to compose webtexts, presentations, and portfolios. All content on Open Fuego may be forked, adapted, and modified to best suit your institution or specific classroom needs—see Pitt Fuego <https://sjquigley.github.io/Pitt-Fuego-Presentation/> as an example of how you might customize your user experience.


See the advertisement: https://open-fuego.github.io/Open-Fuego-Advertisement/ <https://open-fuego.github.io/Open-Fuego-Advertisement/>

See the site: https://open-fuego.github.io/Open-Fuego-Coding-Tools/ <https://open-fuego.github.io/Open-Fuego-Coding-Tools/>

If you have more questions, be sure to read the FAQ and Best Practices at the bottom of the Open Fuego site, or feel free to reach out.


Stephen Quigley,

sjquigley at pitt.edu

University of Pittsburgh  
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