[ATTW-L] ***SPAM*** Tribute to JC Mathes

Charles Sides csides at fitchburgstate.edu
Fri Jul 30 12:44:32 UTC 2021


Not many of that generation left; like a lot of us, I was fortunate to have
some of them as mentors early in my career: John Mitchell, J.R. Gould,
David Carson, John Harris.


On Thu, Jul 29, 2021 at 5:22 PM Ann Blakeslee <ablakesle at emich.edu> wrote:

> Dear ATTW Members,
> We are writing to share with you news of the passing of John C. Mathes,
> known to everyone as JC, who died on June 5, 2021, at the age of 90. JC was
> an ATTW Fellow, elected in 1992. His career was spent in the College of
> Engineering at the University of Michigan, first in the Department of
> Humanities and then in the Program in Technical Communication. He is best
> known as co-author with Dwight W. Stevenson of Designing Technical
> Reports: Writing for Audiences in Organizations, a book that helped
> transform the teaching of writing to engineering and other technical
> students.
> JC and Dwight organized and hosted a summer conference on Teaching
> Technical and Professional Writing for several years, starting in 1975.
> This conference was formative in the development of many of the teachers in
> the expansion wave of technical communication courses and programs in the
> late 1970s and 1980s.
> In addition, it was JC who brought to the attention of technical writing
> instructors the nuclear reactor accident at Three Mile Island as a teaching
> example, based on documentation revealed by the Presidential Commission
> that investigated the accident. JC's analysis of a series of internal memos
> demonstrated that the accident resulted, in part, from “inefficient
> management communication procedures [that] impeded timely decision-making.”
> A full obituary is available here:
> https://obits.mlive.com/us/obituaries/annarbor/name/john-mathes-obituary?pid=198974681
> And attached is the full tribute with remembrances from several ATTW
> Fellows who had the opportunity to know and work with JC. Please feel free
> to share this tribute with others who may have known and/or admired JC and
> his many contributions to our field.
> All the best,
> Ann Blakeslee and Carolyn Miller, ATTW Fellows
> Ann M. Blakeslee, Ph.D. (she/hers)
> Professor of English
> Director of Campus & Community Writing
> Co-Founder of YpsiWrites
> Eastern Michigan University
> Ypsilanti, MI 48197
> ablakesle at emich.edu
> (734)502-1270
> www.ypsiwrites.com
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Charles H. Sides, PhD
Internship Director and Professor
Department of Communications Media
Fitchburg State University
Editor-in-Chief, Journal of Technical Writing & Communication
Co-Editor: SUNY Series, Studies in Technical Communication
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