[ATTW-L] Dissertation Research: Social Justice in TPC Course Design Focus Groups

Julie Christen juliechristen at email.arizona.edu
Mon Oct 4 17:13:47 UTC 2021

Hello again,

Sending a friendly reminder that I am still recruiting participants for
fall 2021 focus groups that discuss course design and revision practices of
TPC instructors who are committed to social justice in their teaching.
The recruitment
survey <https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d0Qsqhw9NxJRA34> will
remain open until *Friday, October 8th*. Thank you to those who have
already responded - I will reach out later this week with further

Participation in this project consists of four (4) one-hour focus groups
with five participants every two weeks in October and November 2021.
will be compensated $25 per focus group* ($100 for the full set).

Thank you again!


On Wed, Sep 29, 2021 at 12:07 PM Julie Christen <
juliechristen at email.arizona.edu> wrote:

> Dear colleagues in Technical and Professional Communication,
> My name is Julie Christen and I am a doctoral candidate at University of
> Arizona. I am conducting dissertation research on course design and
> revision practices of TPC instructors who are committed to social justice
> in their courses. My project, "Teaching Social Justice in Technical and
> Professional Communication: Instructor Experience with Course Design and
> Delivery" is interested in how instructors design (or revise) their
> courses to incorporate social justice aims, including what kind of
> departmental or institutional support instructors receive, how instructors
> document and incorporate student feedback in their course designs, and how
> much labor goes into these efforts.
> This research builds on a preliminary survey that went out to ATTW in
> August on language-setting for social justice work in teaching TPC. Based
> on those responses, I offer the following working definition of social
> justice in these contexts. Social justice efforts are interested in equity,
> inclusion, and accessibility and are especially defined by taking action
> against injustices. Injustices can include (but are not limited to) racism,
> sexism, environmental exploitation of land and people, white language
> supremacy, economic exploitation, and discrimination based on ability.
> Thank you to all who contributed through the survey.
> *Participation in this project consists of four (4) one-hour focus groups
> with five participants every two weeks in October and November 2021.* *Participants
> will be compensated $25 per focus group ($100 for the full set)*. If
> participants choose to continue to Spring 2022, they can also participate
> in 4 more focus groups that will take place monthly January-April.
> Fall focus groups will include discussion of institutional contexts and
> common course design practices, as well as sharing course materials, all in
> an effort to co-design a template to document and reflect on course design
> and delivery practices. Spring focus groups will involve revising and
> testing a draft of this template, and additional recruitment for those
> focus groups will take place in late November and early December.
> Anyone who has taught and/or designed a TPC course with a social justice
> focus in the past two years is eligible to participate. If you are
> interested in participating in this project, I've linked a recruitment
> survey below that should take no more than 10 minutes of your time. I'd
> like to begin scheduling focus groups by October 8th.
> https://uarizona.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_d0Qsqhw9NxJRA34
> Finally, I'd like to include perspectives of technical and professional
> communication instructors, including those who teach in academic settings
> and those who may teach outside formal academic settings, such as trainers
> who work in industry or community settings, and mentors of technical
> communicators, so please feel free to share with your networks.
> This project has been approved by University of Arizona's Institutional
> Review Board (IRB protocol: STUDY00000038).
> Thank you very much for your time and consideration. Please contact me
> directly (juliechristen at arizona.edu) if you have any questions or
> concerns.
> Julie
> --
> *Julie Christen* (she/her)
> PhD Candidate | Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English
> <https://english.arizona.edu/rcte>
> Graduate Associate | General Education Refresh
> <https://provost.arizona.edu/content/general-ed-refresh>
> Instructor | Professional & Technical Writing
> <https://english.arizona.edu/bachelor-arts-%E2%80%93-professional-and-technical-writing>
> University of Arizona

*Julie Christen* (she/her)
PhD Candidate | Rhetoric, Composition, and the Teaching of English
Graduate Associate | General Education Refresh
Instructor | Professional & Technical Writing
University of Arizona
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