[ATTW-L] CDQ Call for Book Reviews

Sparby, Erika emsparb at ilstu.edu
Wed Oct 13 14:42:48 UTC 2021

Hello friends and colleagues!

(Apologies for cross posting) I am the new book review editor for Communication Design Quarterly<http://sigdoc.acm.org/blog/category/cdq-article/> (CDQ), and I’m looking for people interested in doing book reviews for upcoming issues. If you or your students are interested, please email me at emsparb at ilstu.edu<http://emsparb@ilstu.edu>. We have availability in the next issue of CDQ slated for December 2021, so we are especially looking for someone who would like to be included in this issue.

Following from Avery Edenfield’s amazing work in this position before me, we are actively seeking to elevate the voices of multiply marginalized and underrepresented (MMU) scholars by both reviewing their books and publishing reviews by them. As such, I will continue Avery’s inclusive process for selecting books and reviewers by requesting very brief proposals for the books I have available for review (listed below). You are also welcome to propose a book not on this list that fits within CDQ’s scope.

When soliciting the book for your review, please include the following information:

  *   What book you want to review
  *   Why you want to review it (100 words or less)
  *   When you can submit your review to be published (pick one):
     *   November 2021 (for December 2021)
     *   Spring 2022
     *   Summer 2022
     *   Fall 2022
Here are the books currently available for review (many are available as PDFs or online books, but I would be able to arrange for hard copies for most as well):

  *   Equipping Technical Communicators for Social Justice Work, edited by Rebecca Walton and Godwin Y. Agboka
  *   Beyond the Makerspace: Making and Relational Rhetorics, by Ann Shivers-McNair
  *   Type Matters: The Rhetoricity of Letterforms, edited by Christopher Scott Wyatt and Dànielle Nicole DeVoss
  *   Design Thinking in Technical Communication, by Jason Tham
  *   Literacy and Pedagogy in an Age of Misinformation and Disinformation, edited by Tara Lockhart, Brenda Glascott, Chris Warnick, Juli Parrish, and Justine Lewis
  *   Composition and Big Data, edited by Amanda Licastro and Benjamin M. Miller
  *   Literacy as Conversation: Learning Networks in Urban and Rural Communities, by Eli Goldblatt and David A. Joliffe
  *   Awful Archives: Conspiracy Theory, Rhetoric, and Acts of Evidence, by Jenny Rice
  *   Rhet Ops: Rhetoric and Information Warfare, edited by Jim Ridolfo and William Hart-Davidson
  *   Update Culture and the Afterlife of Digital Writing by John R. Gallagher
  *   Radiant Figures: Visual Rhetorics in Everyday Administrative Contexts, edited by Rachel Gramer, Logan Bearden, and Derek Mueller
  *   Digital Media Distribution: Portals, Platforms, Pipelines, edited by Paul MacDonald, Courtney Brannon Donoghue, and Timothy Havens
  *   Dislike-Minded: Media, Audiences, and the Dynamics of Taste, by Jonathan Gray

I will review responses and select reviewers as soon as possible. I have included CDQ's review guidelines to this email. We are also interested in doing interesting intersectional reviews as well as nontraditional reviews. If you have any questions or creative ideas, please reach out!


Erika M. Sparby, PhD | she/they
Assistant Professor of Digital Rhetoric and Technical Communication
Department of English
Illinois State University

Book Review Editor
Communication Design Quarterly
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