[ATTW-L] New CDQ Article on Student-Designed Sexual Misconduct Prevention Efforts

Luke Thominet lthomine at fiu.edu
Fri Oct 29 20:41:18 UTC 2021

Dear Colleagues,

CDQ just published a new Online First article by Avery Edenfield, Hailey Judd, Emmalee Fishburn, and Felicia Gallegos, "Unlikely Allies in Preventing Sexual Misconduct: Student Led Prevention Efforts in a Technical Communication Classroom<https://sigdoc.acm.org/cdq/unlikely-allies-in-preventing-sexual-misconduct-student-led-prevention-efforts-in-a-technical-communication-classroom/>" (sigdoc.acm.org/cdq/unlikely-allies-in-preventing-sexual-misconduct-student-led-prevention-efforts-in-a-technical-communication-classroom/).
Article Abstract: Students' participation in relevant service learning can have a unique impact on their institution of higher education, if provided the opportunity. This article explores student-designed sexual misconduct prevention efforts taking place in an undergraduate project management course at one institution of higher education. We found that involving students in particular kinds of campus communication design and implementation simultaneously improved those efforts and offered students the opportunity to participate in impactful civic projects. In our article, we first examine the most common approach to sexual misconduct prevention, while considering its limitations. We then introduce a nontraditional collaboration-technical communication student involvement within prevention work-which resulted in new efforts. Finally, we illustrate how instructors can integrate similar collaborations.
We invite you to contribute to the conversation. Communication Design Quarterly strives to be a place open to all types of research and writing as it relates to communication design, and we welcome non-traditional work and work by emerging scholars. We also know that many of our number work outside of academia, and welcome experience reports that summarize important technologies, techniques, methods, pedagogies, or product processes. We are also interested in proposals for guest editing special issues.

And if you have something that would be a good fit for Communication Design Quarterly, please review our article guidelines<http://sigdoc.acm.org/publication/communication-design-quarterly-review/> (sigdoc.acm.org/publication/communication-design-quarterly-review/) and direct inquiries or submissions to our Editor in Chief, Dr. Derek G. Ross, at derek.ross at auburn.edu<mailto:derek.ross at auburn.edu>.

Luke Thominet, PhD
Communications Manager

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