[ATTW-L] the Purdue Pharma letter

Dragga, Sam Sam.Dragga at ttu.edu
Wed Sep 1 17:34:01 UTC 2021

If you are looking for a salient example for class discussion of unethical communication, consider the letter that was distributed by OxyContin-maker Purdue Pharma to groups it believed were supportive of its proposed bankruptcy agreement.

The letter is written as though it were the injured parties themselves who composed the letter. The letter encourages the Department of Justice to raise no objection to Purdue Pharma’s proposed bankruptcy agreement, which includes provisions of immunity from civil lawsuits by victims of opioid addiction.

The letter is available at https://s3.documentcloud.org/documents/21052465/purdue-pharma-letter-doj-appeal.pdf

And a report about the letter by NPR is at https://www.npr.org/2021/08/31/1032778376/purdue-pharma-bankruptcy-doj-justice-department-sackler-oxycontin-opioid


Sam Dragga
Professor Emeritus
Texas Tech University
sam.dragga at ttu.edu

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