[ATTW-L] Need Survey Participants on Legal Writing & Rhetoric Instruction in Undergraduate Institutions

Brian Larson brian at tendallarson.com
Wed Sep 8 17:39:20 UTC 2021

(I'm posting on behalf of my friend and colleague Kirsten Davis)

*Survey Participants Needed:  Survey on Legal Writing & Rhetoric
Instruction in Undergraduate Institutions*

Kirsten K. Davis:  kkdavis at law.stetson.edu

Are you teaching or have you taught an undergraduate course in legal
writing or legal rhetoric in the United States?  Please participate in this
survey, Undergraduate Legal Writing/Rhetoric Instruction:

*This survey asks questions of faculty who teach undergraduate legal
writing/rhetoric courses in the United States about their curriculum,
materials, and experiences.  *Professor Kirsten K. Davis, JD, PhD, Stetson
University College of Law, Gulfport, Florida, is the researcher. She
teaches legal writing to law students and wants to better understand the
environment of legal writing and rhetoric education in undergraduate
institutions and what undergraduate instructors need for their courses. You
can read about her here:

 This study can be helpful to those who teach undergraduate legal writing
because *it will help us better understand the range and nature of legal
writing/rhetoric courses as well as the materials available and needed for
those courses*. *The results of this study may be published and may help
inform the development of materials for undergraduate legal writing and
rhetoric courses. *

This project has been evaluated by Stetson University's Institutional
Review Board and has been given exempt status as a research project.

This survey is 20 questions and should take less than 10 minutes to

Questions about this survey can be directed to Kirsten at
kkdavis at law.stetson.edu.

Survey link:  https://forms.office.com/r/XtDyXZvrHA

Kirsten K. Davis, J.D., Ph.D.

(Title & Pronouns:  Dr. & she/her/hers)

Professor of Law

Director, Institute for the Advancement of Legal Communication

Faculty Director of Online Legal Education Strategies

Stetson University College of Law

kkdavis at law.stetson.edu


*Brian N. Larson, J.D., Ph.D.* ("he" "him" etc.)
Associate Professor, *Texas A&M University School of Law*
Texas A&M University Arts & Humanities Fellow
Scholarship (Bepress) <https://works.bepress.com/brian-larson/> (SSRN)
<https://papers.ssrn.com/sol3/cf_dev/AbsByAuth.cfm?per_id=2017167> |
Blogging @ www.Rhetoricked.com <http://www.rhetoricked.com/>
Personal/research email: brian at tendallarson.com
Email for TAMU student and official matters: blarson at tamu.edu
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