[ATTW-L] Faculty Survey - Teaching Empathy in TPC Courses

Amber Lancaster Amber.Lancaster at oit.edu
Wed Aug 24 21:01:41 UTC 2022

Dear Colleagues:
We are conducting a research study (IRB approval # 2022-06-28) on how faculty in Technical/Professional Communication (TPC) in the United States teach empathy. We want to know if faculty teach empathy skills in TPC courses; and if so, what approaches they take and why. The goal is to identify teaching and learning strategies and best pedagogical practices for empathy skill building.
There are three research opportunities for you to participate in: (1) an online anonymous survey https://oit.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eWg9JXoNBqJmS6W, (2) a Zoom/Teams interview, and (3) a curriculum review phase.  You may participate in any one or all phases if you wish.
If you are interested in participating in the Zoom/Teams interview and/or curriculum review, please email me at amber.lancaster at oit.edu or call me at 541-885-1172 (leave a voice message for me).
If you need more information about the study or have questions, I am happy to answer these in email or in a phone call too.
We hope you will participate and help us with this research study.

Amber Lancaster, PhD (PI/Lead Researcher)
Susan Rauch, PhD (Co-PI Researcher)

Amber Lancaster, PhD, ELS

Associate Professor

Director of Professional Writing

Communication Department

Oregon Tech

3201 Campus Drive

Klamath Falls, OR 97601

SE 116

(541) 885-1172

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