[ATTW-L] Updated links: Call for Teaching Tips - Journal of Response to Writing

Katherine O'Meara kat.daily.omeara at gmail.com
Mon Aug 15 17:05:53 UTC 2022

My apologies-- the links were set up incorrectly in my original message.
Please re-forward with the links found below. Thank you!
Kat O'Meara

The *Journal of Response to Writing
<https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/>* is seeking submissions for
our newest feature/genre, *Teaching Tips,* for publication in our Spring
2023 issue and in future issues.

Do you have an activity, assignment, heuristic, approach, or strategy that
has facilitated how response works in your classroom or learning context?
We want to publish your great ideas!

More info:

   - Teaching Tips are brief descriptions of concrete pedagogical
   activities that can be used in responding to student writing at any stage
   in the composition process.
   - They should be written for an audience that may include writing
   teachers, teacher educators, WPAs, writing center coordinators, writing
   tutors, and/or graduate students.
   - We encourage authors to consider how your Teaching Tip might work with
   learners in different contexts or academic levels.
   - This genre is reviewed by the *JRW *editors, leading to a quicker
   turnaround/publication time than other accepted genres.

The Spring 2022 featured our first three Teaching Tips:

   - “Building Response into Labor-Based Grading Contracts
   <https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/vol8/iss1/4/>” (O’Meara)
   - “Preparing Students to Engage with Teacher Feedback
   <https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/vol8/iss1/5/>” (Eckstein)
   - “Online Teacher-Student Group Conferences
   <https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/vol8/iss1/6/>” (Gilliland,
   Kunkel, & Suzuki)

If you are interested in submitting a Teaching Tip, head to the *JRW *home
page <https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/> and click on the Submit
Article <https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/cgi/submit.cgi?context=journalrw>

*Teaching Tip submissions are due**:*

   - *October 1, 2022 for Spring 2023*
   - *May 1, 2023 for Fall 2023*

As a reminder, *JRW* also publishes feature articles, teaching articles,
book reviews, and more. Head to our Submission Guidelines & Policies
<https://scholarsarchive.byu.edu/journalrw/policies.html> page for more
details, or email Kat O’Meara with questions: kat.daily.omeara at gmail.com.

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