[ATTW-L] Writing Problems of Young Engineers from the Perspective of Engineers

Alley, Michael P mpa13 at psu.edu
Thu Jan 20 17:11:17 UTC 2022

Dear Technical Writing Instructors-

Over the past three years, we have been interviewing engineering students and faculty at Penn State to learn their perspectives on the biggest writing problems and misconceptions that engineering students have. From these interviews, we have crafted terse films<http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/> (less than 7 minutes) that address the problems and dispel the misconceptions. Given below is our film for the organization of engineering reports.

[cid:image001.png at 01D80DF4.A2501C10]<https://vimeo.com/352792252>
Organizing an Engineering Report:<https://vimeo.com/352792252> vimeo.com/352792252

Although you likely have a strong segment on teaching the organization of reports, this film might interest you because it looks at the topic from the perspectives of engineering students and faculty. Learning those perspectives has certainly affected the way that I now teach engineering reports.

At present, we have developed a collection of films<http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/> (www.writing.engr.psu/) that incorporate these interview findings into different aspects of engineering writing. This collection, along with our collection of films about presenting<http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/speaking.html> (www.writing.engr.psu/speaking.html), received more than 100,000 film views in 2021. This year, we are incorporating interview findings from professional engineers into revisions of the films. Please know that you are more than welcome to incorporate these films (and Kahoots) into your teaching and to assign them to your students.

Best wishes,

Michael Alley

Michael Alley
Teaching Professor, Engineering Communication
Pennsylvania State University
201 Hammond Bldg
University Park, PA 16802

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