[ATTW-L] Call for Submissions: Journal of Technical Communication and Social Justice

Dura, Lucia ldura at utep.edu
Mon Jan 31 19:43:01 UTC 2022

We are pleased to announce the launch of Technical Communication and Social Justice (TCSJ), an interdisciplinary, peer-reviewed journal to be published biannually online in an open-source format. The first issue is scheduled to be published in summer/fall 2022.

Jerry Savage and I (co-editors of the journal) are seeking submissions for the first issue and for future special issues. Please scroll down for submission guidelines.


TCSJ seeks to do more than merely publish research reports. We advocate for and seek to foster recognition of previously silenced voices, ideas, and practices in technical communication and invite scholars and readers to join an activist community.

TCSJ focuses on considerations of social justice (e.g., equity, justice, inclusion, etc.) in the research, teaching, and practice of technical communication and professional communication. TCSJ publishes articles-empirical research, pedagogical approaches, case studies, integrative literature reviews, workplace studies, etc.-that advance themes (1) exploring the systems and structures that legitimize and sustain injustice and/or (2) redressing injustice and/or enacting social justice in spheres of technical communication work.

Scope and Purposes

The journal encourages articles presenting sound arguments drawing from diverse theoretical, applied, and practical perspectives as applicable in technical and professional communication and related disciplines such as rhetoric, composition, human-centered design, and user-experience. While the journal invites a broad range of subject matter and topics, published articles establish clear social justice connections, particularly through how the subject matter inhibits or promotes social justice.

TCSJ articles raise and engage a diverse range of topics, social justice theories, and research methodologies, race and ethnicities; gender, feminism, sexuality, and LGBTQIA+ issues; Indigenous studies, decolonialism, and postcolonialism; the Global South and/or the Global North; translation, localization, and globalization; disability studies; environmental justice; advocacy and citizenship; plain language, and user experience.

TCSJ does more than merely report research. We equip readers to foster change.  Therefore, our editorial policy calls for reviewers to approach submissions in a spirit of advocacy and mentorship.

For more information about the journal visit: https://techcommsocialjustice.org/

Call for Submissions

We are currently accepting proposals for submissions in the five categories listed below.

Proposals for articles, experience reports, creative interventions, and reviews should be 500 words. Please e-mail proposals to Jerry and Lucía at editors at tcsj.org<mailto:editors at tcsj.org> . We are also happy to discuss ideas and answer questions.

1.      Research Articles (6,000 to 10,000 words, peer-reviewed): Original, previously unpublished research, including pilot or case studies, which is not currently under review by another journal.

2.      Experience Reports (up to 4,000 words, peer-reviewed): Reports, investigations, or white papers of social justice practices in projects, methodologies, technologies, or processes occurring in academic, organizational, or community settings.

3.      Creative Interventions (editorially-reviewed): Multimodal/multimedia products, extended interviews, pedagogies, or creative projects that are feasibly published on our website and that inspire social justice awareness, dialogue, connection, or action. Creative interventions may be invited or proposed: editors at tcsj.org<mailto:editors at tcsj.org>

4.      Reviews (editorially-reviewed): Reviews of important theoretical and/or practical publications, exhibits, and conferences (or featured conference talks), with social justice relevance and implications for this journal's audiences. Reviews may be invited or proposed: editors at tcsj.org<mailto:editors at tcsj.org>
Special Issue Proposals (up to 2,000 words, editorially-reviewed): We are interested in receiving proposals for guest-edited special issues. Proposals should include a draft call for papers (CFP, plan for recruiting peer reviewers, coordinating double-blind peer reviews, corresponding with authors, and editing/finalizing manuscripts/multimodal products. With the proposal please include a CV or résumé for each guest editor.

Lucía Durá<mailto:ldura at utep.edu>, PhD, Associate Professor
Rhetoric & Writing Studies, English Department<https://www.utep.edu/liberalarts/english/index.html>
Associate Dean, Graduate School<https://www.utep.edu/graduate/>
The University of Texas at El Paso<utep.edu>

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