[ATTW-L] Writing Problems of Young Engineers from the Perspective of Engineers

Will Fleming fleminw at linnbenton.edu
Thu Jan 20 17:47:28 UTC 2022

I agree! Thank you, Michael, for sharing this excellent project with the


*Will Fleming *(*he, him*)
English Faculty
Writing 115 & Technical Writing Coordinator
Linn-Benton Community College
North Santiam Hall (NSH)/201
6500 Pacific Blvd. SW | Albany, OR 97321
Phone: 541-917-4570 (LB office) / 541-972-3982 (text, voicemail)
[image: logo]

On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 9:44 AM Josephine Walwema <walwema at uw.edu> wrote:

> Dear Michael,
> This is fantastic work. Thank you.
> Josie
> *>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>*
> Interdisciplinary Writing Program
> Department of English | A101 Padelford Hall
> https://orcid.org/0000-0002-9677-9308
> This is a public, university-owned email account and subject to an Open Records
> request through the Freedom of Information Act at any time. Correspondence
> of a personal nature should be sent to: jwalwema at gmail.com
> On Thu, Jan 20, 2022 at 9:18 AM Alley, Michael P <mpa13 at psu.edu> wrote:
>> Dear Technical Writing Instructors—
>> Over the past three years, we have been interviewing engineering students
>> and faculty at Penn State to learn their perspectives on the biggest
>> writing problems and misconceptions that engineering students have. From
>> these interviews, we have crafted terse films
>> <http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/> (less than 7 minutes) that address
>> the problems and dispel the misconceptions. Given below is our film for the
>> organization of engineering reports.
>> <https://vimeo.com/352792252>
>> Organizing an Engineering Report: <https://vimeo.com/352792252>
>> vimeo.com/352792252
>> Although you likely have a strong segment on teaching the organization of
>> reports, this film might interest you because it looks at the topic from
>> the perspectives of engineering students and faculty. Learning those
>> perspectives has certainly affected the way that I now teach engineering
>> reports.
>> At present, we have developed a *collection of films
>> <http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/>* (www.writing.engr.psu/) that
>> incorporate these interview findings into different aspects of engineering
>> writing. This collection, along with *our collection of films about
>> presenting <http://www.writing.engr.psu.edu/speaking.html> *(www.writing.engr.psu/speaking.html),
>> received more than 100,000 film views in 2021. This year, we are
>> incorporating interview findings from professional engineers into revisions
>> of the films. Please know that you are more than welcome to incorporate
>> these films (and Kahoots) into your teaching and to assign them to your
>> students.
>> Best wishes,
>> Michael Alley
>> _______________________
>> Michael Alley
>> Teaching Professor, Engineering Communication
>> Pennsylvania State University
>> 201 Hammond Bldg
>> University Park, PA 16802
>> 1-814-867-0251
>> http://www.assertion-evidence.com/
>> http://www.craftofscientificwriting.com/
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